By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (203) and Link Love

January 13, 2023

1. I hope that by the time this goes live, the order will have shipped already. I bought a dear friend something from off their wish list that I normally don’t get to see. It’s a fun extra surprise because their birthday and Christmas are quite far off.

2. Our wonderful regular contributors to the Lakota Giving Project got us in gear to start this year off right. I’ve been working on our first family! Deeply grateful for this community. ❤️❤️❤️

3. I’ve discovered the ability to take long screenshots and to add them to WordPress so I’m sharing tweet threads that way to preserve them in case they go away.

Challenges this week:

Just a little link love

Liver King and the problematic rise of primal manhood

I loved Yet Another PF Blog’s ‘Tis The Season For Charitable Tax Deductions 2022.

An interview with Kate Elliott: #113 Unconquerable Sun (with Kate Elliott)

I hate this so much: People who haven’t had COVID will likely catch XBB.1.5 – and many will get reinfected, experts say. We don’t think we’ve had it yet, though I suppose we can’t be sure. It feels more and more like we’re rats on a sinking ship and the creeping crud is going to get us if it hasn’t already this week.

WTF, Greece: Greece: Migrant Rescue Trial to Begin

I feel this deeply: Twitter’s meltdown isn’t a punchline for disabled communities. “Twitter is a vital means of connection for many disabled people, and we still don’t have a suitable replacement. This isn’t just inconvenient—for some of us, it will be downright dangerous without access to the community networks of support and trust we’ve spent years building on Twitter.

This makes me so sad. Refried was a beautiful part of BraverMountain, with her brother Hari, and such a wonderful spirit: We have countless stories about Refried, and many of them are about her music. If you’ve followed the team for some time, you probably know that Refried was extraordinary, unusual, because she sang while she ran. Sometimes out of pure excitement, but for other reasons, too. She had a strong sense of when the team might need encouragement—as we climbed an endless mountain, say, or waited for a sun that felt like it might never rise—and those were always the moments that she sang most beautifully. And her songs made the team so happy that whoever was mushing had to grip the sled hard to keep from falling off the back, because the rest of the dogs would accelerate in their excitement. Even after she retired from racing, she would sing on shorter runs, or while riding in the sled, and was one of the most avid participants in the team’s nightly howls.

Look at these beautiful colors! Wood duck feels like such a massively understated name for this.

Shiv’s stories are always appreciated and I would like to know what her plans were for the tire. Was it connected to the bull she wanted? Was it an independent scheme entirely?

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (203) and Link Love”

  1. Bethh says:

    When I was in Kenya a few months ago I encountered a bird called the superb starling. Maybe the wood duck needs to petition for a name change? Superb Duck? Extra-pretty Duck?

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