By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (204) and Link Love

January 20, 2023

1. A handful of us PF folk threw together a bundle of money so I could buy a variety of snacks for Penny’s students before the holidays. It was gratifying just to know that hungry kids were getting some food, but this update made me so happy.

There’s more people than I can even think to tag, but a whole Twitter crew helped @RevAGSL send my kiddos snacks. And I just got the test scores back?! The kids who tested with me and ate beforehand almost all made their growth goals 😭 I can’t say that about any other class.

2. Then a handful of folks chimed in wanting to be part of the next round. This is great! There will be a next round! I hold the funds in a separate account and track it on a spreadsheet between rounds, then let people know once I shop what our collective funds bought. It’s great.

Also supporting:

Child and Family Relief Round: The “Child and Family Relief Fund” campaign aims to support families with children who are significantly impacted by the ongoing crisis and famine in Afghanistan.

Troop 6000TM is a Girl Scout program specially designed to serve girls in the New York City Shelter System.

Just a little link love

I follow Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (@IBJIYONGI) so I enjoyed reading her thoughts in longer form: A Cosmologist’s Case for Staying Put on Earth

DP FICTION #95B: “Tell Me the Meaning of Bees” by Amal Singh

This is an old article from a blogger I knew a few blog iterations ago. I hadn’t heard from her since 2017, around the time of the wire fraud debacle, but it’s good to see she’s doing well and this old article was a good read: EMBRACE THE SUCK: HOW A SERIES OF SUCKY SETBACKS LEAD ME TO FREEDOM

Thanks to Music for sharing this. I am supremely bad at resting and need to practice more: What Does It Mean to Really, Truly Rest?

This seems bad: Second whale washes ashore at Fort Stevens, third to die on Oregon Coast this month

I’m somewhere between an atheist and a Buddhist, but I really like Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg’s writing. I don’t believe in an afterlife so I believe in doing our best now, today, to help build a better world. From her Life is a Sacred Text:

For me, the work is about doing what I can, every day, between a person and another person, a person or group of people and a society, a system, an institution, a nation, a planet to get all of our voices heard, addressed, engaged towards creating a world that is more whole now, more just now, more complete now.

I love this small beaver friend!

These PIES!

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