By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (241) and Link Love

October 6, 2023

1. I spotted our crow gang hanging about and offered them a few bits of Sera’s 🐶 treats. They snatched them right up as soon as I turned to walk away! Making new animal friends makes me so happy.

I’m not generally a bird person but I love corvids. Maybe because they’re so interesting and I’ll never try to make one a house pet.

2. We’re all vaccinated against the flu! One down, one booster to go. Smol Acrobat recovered fairly quickly but the achey twinges were very upsetting for them a few hours later.

3. I started Saturday with a 14 item checklist of things to do, and closed out the day with just 5 things left! Not bad. I did, of course, do all the easy things first, so the last few are likely to be more time consuming than the first 9 things.

Just a little link love

This post from Ilona Andrews’s blog made me laugh: All Knowing God

(This doesn’t actually tell us how they went away) Water Hazard: “Ask your favorite shark-obsessed 8-year-old for a fun fact, and the odds are good that they’ll tell you that bull sharks can live in the ocean or in fresh water.”

It Never Needed to Go This Long’ – I’m thrilled that the WGA got so many of their needs addressed, finally, and I hope for the same for SAG. But this headline is my mantra I’ve been repeating for the past two years. The studios and CEOs didn’t need to hold out for five months. They were just being inhumane horrible humans. The pandemic didn’t need to go this long. We could have all come together to get vaccines to everyone who needed them, globally, not just hoard them in wealthy countries (among the many other ways we’ve handled this badly). But noooo. *Stomps away*

Out of Trauma: Martha Wells in conversation with Kelly Jennings

BY NAOMI Kritzer

I’m not much into art, but White Collar gave me a highly fictionalized entertainment style peek into art crimes and Mx DE Anderson piqued my interest on Bluesky linking to this article: What is known about the Isabella Stewart Gardner heist—the single largest property theft in the world.

Spotted-tailed quoll thought extinct in South Australia caught at Beachport after 130 years

I really hope she has a shot: Tennessee Woman Denied Medically Necessary Abortion Is Running For Office

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (241) and Link Love”

  1. Jenny F Scientist says:

    Perhaps you already know this BUT there is a huge book recs thread on Ilona Andrews’ blog and I am feverishly taking notes 😉

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