By: Revanche

Living in the time of pandemic: COVID-19 (188)

January 8, 2024

Year 4 of COVID in the Bay Area.

Year 4, Day 279: JB’s developed a hacking cough this weekend that’s sounding worse each night. We already did an at-home COVID test but I’ve scheduled a PCR (hopefully a combo with the flu and RSV test as well) for them later this week. They don’t have any other symptoms right now, but PiC is starting to feel a bit of something after being untouched by the last six rounds of viral infections that Smol Acrobat brought home so I’m concerned all around. I’m staying on my antiviral meds as long as I must to fend off the germs. I simply cannot afford to be any more tired than I already am.


The blackberry leaves are turning a beautiful purple now. Yay, it’s still alive! I worry about the plants a lot.

Year 4, Day 280: The rain over the past two weeks supercharged my latest round of potato plants. The first container should have a mess of potatoes to harvest. The second container had two-inch sprouts two weeks ago. After three or four soaking rains came through, those two inchers are a foot tall! This shouldn’t surprise me, this is also how fast our weeds grow, but it’s still cool. Not the weeds, those are nothing but annoying.


I’ve been bumbling around for weeks muttering to myself about needing new travel sized containers for our toiletries. I’ve bought two sets of silicone squeeze bottles over the past ten years and they now both leak. Thankfully I’ve always kept them in plastic bags before adding them to the toiletries bag but the leaks are exasperating. I asked friends for recommendations but nothing really appealed to me. It suddenly hit me that the pile of tiny Palmolive bottles that we keep picking up from Residence Inns over the years – those are 3 oz bottles. I had repurposed one for Smol Acrobat’s body wash, but for some reason it never occurred to me to use them for anything else. We have 8 more of them! This ticks all my boxes: not buying new and repurposing something keeps some plastic out of landfill. I’m eager to test my theory. I’m pretty sure it’ll work fine for the shampoo but I’m less sure about the conditioner which is thicker. (The 3-ounce detail only matters in theory since we’re not planning to fly anytime soon, but I prefer a solution that can be used for all our travels.)

Year 4, Day 281: We’ve moved Smol Acrobat out of their crib and into a big bed. We haven’t done anything with the crib yet so all that means is they started the night in the bed instead of going to bed in the crib, waking up 2-4 hours later screaming until we carry them off to a Big Bed. For their first night, they stayed asleep ALL NIGHT. Will this be replicated again? Only time will tell. Fingers are very crossed.

I am feeling a weird pang about the idea of selling the crib. It cost us a pretty penny years ago and is taking up valuable space.
It’d be good to move it out if we’re done with it. I’m 1000% done with having babies so we have no further use for it if Smol really is moved out. But also, FEELINGS.


Chatting with an aunty, I found out that it costs $200K/year to care for Granny around the clock as she’s in her 90s and bedridden. Gramps saved and invested really well because they can afford it, but that figure set me back on my heels. How do you plan for that? How do you save enough in case you happen to live past the age where you can care for yourself for very long?

Year 4, Day 282: I jinxed it! Well, maybe it wasn’t me. But Smol did NOT do well last night. So the move to the big bed wasn’t the cure-all, alas. It could be that they’re coming down with something, they often sleep badly (more than usual) when they’re not feeling well and JB’s cough hasn’t been good for anyone. JB tested negative for COVID, RSV and flu, at least.


I’m very proud of myself for figuring out how to set up this custom listing for JB’s art shop.

Another aunty chat was several kinds of stress and grief. She has been dealing with my estranged dad and brother through my estrangement. She still has some kind of a relationship with them, and she was filling me in on their latest even though I hadn’t specifically asked. It wasn’t meant in a guilt trip or a mean way. She wanted me to know they were about as ok as they were going to get and insists that I must carry on with my own life, separately, and find my health and happiness. But even though I have no desire to have them back in my life, I still struggle with the grief and frustration related to them. I know it’s so much better for me to be no-contact with them. I also know that my aunty is stepping into the breach to try to get my brother to do the things he needs to do for his housing benefits, and it’s costing her time (and money that she can ill afford). It’s her choice but I was the only person that could get him to do anything, on my say-so. I wasn’t omnipotent, but I could make him do some necessary things. And now I’m gone and she has to resort to bribery to get him to make his appointments. She’s never made much money and now she’s wasting on my brother because I’m not there to do it. Intellectually I know I’m not wrong but I don’t feel right, either. It all makes me very sad. If he wasn’t mentally ill, if he was just the same sociopathic narcissist that my estranged dad is, I’d be so mad at him. But he’s not, and I’m now very sad for the loss of the sibling relationship that we might have had someday.

Year 4, Day 283: We are discovering the lack of good bike racks around the city as PiC is running more errands on the bike when he can. The renovated park has the best one, the Safeway has the worst ones.

I’m working a theory that Sera 🐶 has been off her food lately because she’s overheated in her dog sweaters. I’m testing it today. She’s been taking no more than a few bites of food at a time and last night was the worst yet, she didn’t eat anything but fish topping and left everything else. She was willing to eat if I scooped it in my hand but that’s not sustainable. This morning’s trial run seemed promising, she didn’t eat her whole breakfast at once but she did return and finish most of it by mid-afternoon.

Target has their BOGO 50% off (so, 25% off each when you buy two) vitamins and supplements.

I spent way too long doing the math on whether I should buy the 100 mg coq10 (I can still hear the infomercials in my head for this and it’s not great) or the 200 mg bottle and also decided I should try increasing my dose to 300 mg / day to see if that helps the fatigue more than 200 mg / day.

$25 – 100 mg 120 count
$12.50 – 100 mg 120 count
16¢ / each
300 mg (3*100 / 3*0.16) = .48/day
240/3= 80 days

$29 – 200 mg 40 cap
$14.50- 200 mg 40 cap
54¢ / each
300 mg (200+100 mg / .54+.16) = 0.70/day.

The differences are clearly negligible but my brain needed that little bit of exercise.

4 Responses to “Living in the time of pandemic: COVID-19 (188)”

  1. *hug*
    Nicoleandmaggie recently posted…RBOCMy Profile

  2. bethh says:

    Ditto on the *hug* – I’m sorry hard stuff is hard.

    I hope you manage to avoid some of the sickness that’s going around!

    Perhaps PIC could let the manager of the Safeway know his findings on the bike racks. It might be something they could change.

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