By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (263) and Link Love

March 8, 2024

1. Laying in bed in a lot of pain after my massage, because sometimes that’s how my muscles react to the treat, I discovered that Ilona Andrews has a weekly Friday serial featuring Roman! I’d glee about how I love Roman but fairness then demands I admit there really isn’t any character from the Kate Andrews world I wouldn’t enjoy reading about. Still. Roman’s turn!

2. I have two twirl skirts from Svaha, purchased 2 and 4 years ago, that are still in regular rotation in good weather (not that we have a whole lot of that). In July, I noticed that the pocket of the older one had torn slightly. It’s been sitting on my dresser since then waiting for repair. I finally managed to pull out the sewing machine and mend the pocket!

For funsies, I had a look through the twirl skirts in case they have a really good sale and I feel the need to add one more someday. My favorites: Starry Night, Chromatic scales, Solar eclipse

Just a little link love

A Massachusetts Library System Will Let You Pay Fines With Cat Pictures

WaPo gift link: Health-care hack spreads pain across hospitals and doctors nationwide

Large number of 830,000 salmon fry die after released into California river

We’ve been waiting for a worthwhile local food place to join the site, Dollar Revolution shared his experience with Too Good To Go recently and we thought we’d give it a try. So far, not a lot of uptake but I’m hearing a variety of reasonably good experiences from folks across the country so maybe it’ll get better for us. We like the idea of rescuing food from being wasted, anyway.

5 Responses to “Good Things Friday (263) and Link Love”

  1. I love those skirts but I just wear leggings or shorts basically all the time now!

    Thanks for the news about the serial. I will also go enjoy it!
    Jenny F Scientist recently posted…Five Minute BloggingMy Profile

  2. Juli Thompson says:

    I signed up for Too Good To Go. It took a while to arrive in our metro. So far, not enough restaurants have signed up. Surprise Bags tend to be gone very quickly. I have snagged two, and they were worth it.

    • Revanche says:

      We definitely only have a handful so far as well, and many of the best things go quick. But it’s kind of fun to scroll now and again.

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