By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (267) and Link Love

April 5, 2024

1. We’re all still functioning. Some better than others, but!

Challenges this week: everything.

Just a little link love

Nicole and Maggie!! “So the Innkeeper must wait until next year when we hopefully have the time and opportunity to really bring it to a satisfying conclusion. While this is probably not the final Innkeeper Chronicles novel, it is the final novel for the Parents Are Missing arc. The final books in a plotline are always difficult, and we will need extra time for this one.

I deal with unbearably tantrumy entitled people half my day every day in the day job (said as though I have a paying night job too) so someone telling them off (without having to worry one iota about blowback) gives me secondhand satisfaction: BIG, GIANT WOW

I appreciate this approach to the resale of art that has appreciated in value: It seems to me fundamentally wrong and inequitable that art that artists sold for $50 or a hundred dollars thirty or forty years ago now sells for hundreds or thousands of times that amount, but the artists, most of whom are old, some of whom are no longer working or not working as they were, never see another penny. I decided the best way to change that would be to set an example, and show people another way of doing it.

This is from 2019 but it’s the first time I’m seeing it and I’m tickled: Rats love driving tiny cars, even when they don’t get treats

Shared by with the comment (that I think is really important): Surprised that this very detailed read on Asian Americans in poverty didn’t explicitly note or break down the fact that there are HUGE disparities across different Asian communities, say for example Hmong Americans and Japanese Americans.
The Hardships and Dreams of Asian Americans Living in Poverty

Bit of good political news: Oklahoma official with white nationalist ties is ousted in recall vote

Chef Jose Andres says Israel targeted his aid workers ‘systematically, car by car’ “The chef also wondered aloud how Netanyahu could wage a war to save Israeli hostages “when they may be dying under the rubble of the same weapons” Israel used against Palestinians.”

Truly, what will it take to stop the atrocities?? ‘It’s Not Just a One-Off Incident:’ What the World Central Kitchen Deaths Reveal

We donate to World Central Kitchen regularly and it’s appalling that it’s taken this tragedy to bring to light these other deaths. Even more appalling is that it doesn’t seem like there’s any viable way to put a stop to the US supplying Israel with weapons to genocide the Palestinian people.

ACTION ITEM! from Katie Mack: Chandra, the space-based observatory that brings us incredible x-ray images of the most extreme environments in the cosmos, is at risk of cancellation. It’ll be a huge loss to astronomy if the mission ends prematurely for budget reasons. Go to to find out how to help #SaveChandra

This incredibly important space telescope is ALREADY IN SPACE, functioning beautifully, and on track to continue delivering astonishing cosmic discoveries for another 5-10 yrs. Abandoning it in space, turning off the receivers, and discontinuing its research would be horribly wasteful. #SaveChandra

5 Responses to “Good Things Friday (267) and Link Love”

  1. Excited about the next innkeeper book, though it sounds like it may be a while! (I did like the novella– it was nice for them to get a little bit of a break, and it set up a nice teaser… but yeah, that teaser does need to go somewhere in the next book.)
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…Link LoveMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Yeah it’ll be a while but I’m relishing the excitement of it being planned. I need some bright spot to hang onto 🙂

  2. bethh says:

    Huh, I still read the In Death series when I think of it, and I always secretly figured/feared she’d wrap it up by getting Eve pregnant. Sounds like she doesn’t plan to do that? That would be such a treat.

    I’m appalled at our country’s continued support of the war machine and wish we could get everyone opposed together to donate some weird amount of money – like 75 cents or something – that would signal that we WOULD give if the administration would stop this madness. Get a cease-fire and stop shipping arms? I will give you some money that very day.

    • Revanche says:

      I haven’t read them at all, sounds like it’s worth giving it a try? Yeah I don’t think she’s going to go that way, which is nice 🙂

      It’s true, I would give real money to STOP fueling the genocide. It’s appalling and horrific and infuriating.

      • Bethh says:

        I can’t say the In Death are great, but I am invested in all the lives of the characters. They’re perfect for when I don’t have a lot of mental energy – they may work well for you!

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