By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (276) and Link Love

June 7, 2024

1. I’m really glad we have the new washer. It washes efficiently! It spins efficiently (and doesn’t need to be spun 3 times to be dry enough)! I can set a delayed start so it runs after peak hours! It handled the 15, no, 20 loads of laundry in 3 days for the Pine Ridge Reservation like a champ.

2. Nicole and Maggie shared this GoFundMe for a study on “the enduring impact of childhood exposure to violence on bilateral intimate partner violence in Northern Uganda where thousands of boys and girls were abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army during childhood.”

3. I forgot how glorious it is to get 8 whole uninterrupted hours a day alone. I dislike the scheduling chaos that is generally summer but I very much love the few solo days I get this. Thanks, summer camp!

Challenges this week: everything is overwhelm. There’s too much going on and I’d already hit the upper limit for planning things when a funeral (not someone I knew but still an obligation) entered the chat and wanted scheduling. UGH. 

Just a little link love

TIL about this facet of Former President Jimmy Carter’s past: How a future U.S. president helped avert nuclear disaster near Canada’s capital

Starting June 1: Inhaler $35 o-o-p price cap

The Misfit Who Built the IBM PC

White-tailed eagle treated with human drug returns to wild

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