By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (278) and Link Love

June 21, 2024

1. I accidentally made a human friend in the process of befriending their dog who had picked my legs to huddle next to.

Just a little link love

How a Leopard Seal Fed Me Penguins

LINDA TIRADO THE INJUSTICE OF SUING THE POLICE. This is heartbreaking. Linda is the Best of Good People and she’s dying because the cops are inhumane bastards who shot her in the face and blinded her, causing irreparable brain damage. She’s leaving behind two young kids who my heart is breaking for. I can’t say this strongly enough: fuck the police, they are a cancer on society. They’ve maimed and murdered and in Linda’s case, slowly murdered her, and they keep on getting funding to do this again and again and again.

I hate everything about this: Microsoft is even adding AI to the Notepad app on Windows 11

Why an Outdoor Adventure May Not Be the Best Way to Grieve (Quite literally, as I went looking for this story I’d read the other day and found two dozen “hikers found dead” stories first).

This is a good story: The Story I Like To Tell About My Father

This is not a good story: America’s Notorious ‘Cancer Alley’ Is Even More Toxic Than We Thought

Isn’t this unconstitutional? Louisiana classrooms now required by law to display the Ten Commandments

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