By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (283) and Link Love

July 26, 2024

1. At first I was positively astonished that Biden bowed out and was a touch skeptical that this country will elect the first female and Black president. That was in the first hour of the announcement. I was imagining total chaos in the wake of his stepping down. I wanted to hold out hope because a baked potato would be better than Trump, never mind a relatively reasonable human with relevant experience.

Now I’m relieved at how the whole thing was managed to give her support immediately. I won’t pretend that I personally like Harris. I don’t know enough about her to say yet and I’m not a fan of the cult of personality type politics. However she does have a body of experience that’s highly relevant and she came out of the gate strong and that gives me hope. I do like the possibility that she might be a leader we can accomplish good things with even if we have to push her to them. We all know that’s absolutely nothing like what we’d get out of a second TFG presidency.

Just a little link love

Sharks: Fact or Fiction?

Now this could be a real solution to street harassment: ‘It’s risky for male frogs out there’: Female frog drags and attempts to eat screaming male

💔 Asian Elephants Bury Their Dead, New Research Suggests

I don’t know what a better answer would be to evict the barred owls but boy this is tough to read: To save spotted owls, officials plan to kill a half-million of another owl species

This is terrifying for me as a parent and as a person who’s already suffering from Long COVID type symptoms between my fibro and ME/CFS. When Smol Acrobat caught it for the first time, all I could think was how we’d failed to protect them adequately against a future with long COVID: Too many children with long COVID are suffering in silence. Their greatest challenge? The myth that the virus is ‘harmless’ for kids

I don’t actually know what effect this really has: Top UN court says Israel’s presence in occupied Palestinian territories is ‘illegal’ and should end as ‘rapidly as possible’

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (283) and Link Love”

  1. Kamala Harris or a treasonous cheeto? I mean, the choice seems clear regardless of how any of us feels about Harris in the absence of other considerations. I very much hope she wins!

    The Israeli Knesset is now trying to declare UNRWA a terrorist organization. You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried. Cue the “Are we the baddies” meme.

    • Revanche says:

      Oh 100%. Me too!! My fear at the time I wrote this snippet was that they would mince about with the handoff and putter out without ever gaining any momentum. I’m thrilled it seems to be the opposite, they’ve really gone on the offensive which is so refreshing. Finally!!

      Good GRIEF, that’s a hell of a thing. I want to say I can’t believe it but taken literally I do believe it.

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