By: Revanche

Living in the time of pandemic: COVID-19 (214)

July 8, 2024

Year 4 of COVID in the Bay Area.

Year 5, Day 96: Ngh, I feel several shades of terrible. No specific symptoms, just intense fatigue and the creeping crud type feeling of “ugh”. My dental hygienist spotted the start of a viral infection during my appointment last week so I’ve been taking my antivirals and trying to rest more. Well ok, I rested this weekend because I had to. I couldn’t actually manage to keep pushing through. But that’s still an improvement over tormenting myself!

My Mondays used to stink, they’re really terrible now. So my response is to be really angry and then set new limits on what I’ll do. I’m hoping there’s a bell curve of horrible that we’ll come down the other side of soon. Very very soon.

To compound my mundane sadness, I forgot my dog walking bag today. I usually take it in case of crow friends and running into dog friends but in my haste, I left it behind. Who landed on the house just ahead of me and eyeballed me waiting for a treat? My crow friend I haven’t seen in weeks! It waited very pointedly until I lamented, I’m so sorry, I don’t have treats for you today! Then it flew away. I hope it doesn’t hold this against me.

Of course this is all super mundane against the Supreme Court basically cementing fascism this week and declaring a President immune from prosecution for Official Acts. Who knew it would come on this quick? Oh right, we all saw this coming.

Year 5, Day 97: Work is frustrating to the extreme right now so this tickled me deeply:

Horse smoking a cigarette under a blanket that reads

On top of the frustrating people, all my devices and apps and software are acting up. This one doesn’t want to open, that one doesn’t want to load, the other one will only refresh on my phone but not my laptop. Seriously not cool.


The community that used to come together for mutual aid, mostly on Twitter and sometimes by email, is so fractured now, it feels like it was just a happy dream. It’s heartbreaking to see the effect this is having on vulnerable people who were juuuust scraping by before. I followed Aji and Wings on Twitter and now on Bluesky. The work Wings does is breathtaking, that craftsmanship!, but I cannot be trusted with these works of art. They’re also people who support their community as much as they can even though they’re going through tough times. They’re really struggling financially right now as they’re not getting the sales they need to make ends meet this year. I’ve sent some money through Paypal to avoid unnecessary fees (since this is a gift) but it’s a drop in the bucket and I hope that sharing will lead to more sharing and sales.

Year 5, Day 98: Here’s an upside! I’ve been taking a brisk walk every day for my mental health since last week. Last week, I had to stop halfway to catch my breath every day. This week, I can make it most of the way without stopping. Of course, I discover this just before the massive heat wave to hit this region so will my conditioning hold through next week? Who knows!


I didn’t think I would relate to Mike Barnow from Madam Secretary but on reflection why didn’t I? Love dog, hate dealing with people, yes, yes that checks out:

Mike: I want the job you promised me. Counselor to the president. Behind the scenes. Under the radar. Cracking heads and crushing enemies.
Elizabeth: Yes but you’re so GOOD at being my chief of staff.
Mike: ACTING chief of staff and of course I’m amazing at it. But I hate it. It’s all relationships and people. So many people. In person.

Year 5, Day 99: So hot. It’s stiflingly hot. My kingdom for a breeze.

We don’t usually let the kids do water play, we’re a drought state! But it’s a holiday and also so so hot so we invited the kids’ friends over for a water and bubble play morning. In the end we forgot entirely about half the things we intended to set out for them but the water slide thing and the hammock were all they needed before and after the water balloon fight that PiC instigated.

We’d stocked up on fruit and easy kid food so snack time segued right into lunch time and all the kids ate what they were served. Smol Acrobat wasn’t even half a butt about eating their lunch with all these other kids to play with! They returned to a whole butt status when the kids went home for dinner. Of course they did. The kids (all under 8) went home without complaining, but one of them made sure to secure permission to come back again. Then tried to schedule that next visit for tomorrow. A compliment of sorts? What’s even funnier is that those same kids said they were heading home for a nap. Well exercised and well fed enough to choose a nap, good job on our part? PiC, as usual, deserves most of the credit. He did all the grocery shopping and food prep. I shared kid wrangling with another parent and coordinating the timing of things like water breaks and snack breaks and so on. We did good teamwork.

It was a lot of fun and also I massively overdid it. My body has a number of regrets and would like to formally complain to management for poor decisions.

Year 5, Day 100: My entire body is vibrating with pain. I’ve popped painkillers all day in hopes it’ll ease up soon. And, as expected, YEP, I’m thoroughly discombobulated back at work today. Days off in the middle of the week are weird.

What day is it, what’s tomorrow, where do I need to be when? I hate having my routines disrupted. Except there was a new disruption today: a long time friend was passing through town and we got to nab her for a few hours visit and dinner. I’ve missed her so much and that short visit cleansed my mind and refreshed my body. The pain and fatigue was halved after she left, even despite my staying up way too late afterward. Treatment for ME/CFS: super supportive fun friends who are easy to hang out with regardless of whether it’s been a day or a decade since we last saw each other?

All kidding aside, I’m paying for Thursday through the weekend more than likely, and I’d better adjust my expectations accordingly. We’ll get laundry done but I’m not sure if we’re going to do much more than that. Though there are two very large boxes I’ve got nearly packed up to ship to the Allen Youth Center, it’d be great to get that on its way. BUT I’m still waiting on PiC to sort through the last set of Legos to see what else he wants to add to what I’m sending, first.

4 Responses to “Living in the time of pandemic: COVID-19 (214)”

  1. Wwj says:

    I hear you re the fragmented community. There are too many options now? I’m mainly on Facebook and Instagram but I don’t do threads. I still read some blogs but rarely comment.

    I am wondering about getting disability for my husband. He never paid into the system since he freelanced. Any tips based on your experience with your mom? I don’t know where to start.


    • Revanche says:

      I was encouraged to go to Threads by some friends but apparently it requires Instagram and connection to Instagram? That doesn’t work for me.

      Oh gosh, I wish I could be of help but it’s been 20 years and a lot of stuff in between since I had much to do with the Disability benefits at that level.

      I think (and I could definitely be wrong here!) that disability varies by state, so I could only suggest that you start by searching your state’s disability benefits, in California it’s called EDD but I’m not sure about elsewhere.

  2. My work has also been terrible lately. Sympathies.
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