By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (297) and Link Love

November 1, 2024

1. I checked off so many boxes this weekend! Paid bills, submitted FSA claims, ordered supplies for two Lakota families, logged the tracking numbers for the coordinators, ordered some holiday gifts from Michael’s, wrapped (bagged) all the kid gifts we already have on hand, ordered a few extra shirts for myself because all this exercise seems to be making the sleeves of my new shirts from last July too tight. Annoying but rather than be annoyed getting dressed most mornings, I’ll get some looser shirts. Problem solved.

2. PiC did the prep he needed to try (again!) to sell the car. Here’s hoping that it gets snapped up quickly! The garage is too tight a fit and I keep collecting bruises from trying to navigate in there.

Helping folks in Taos, NM, from Aji and Wings on Bluesky: a local effort to provide life-sustaining supplies to unhoused folks with pets, organized by a woman I vouch for also. We have a record number of locals forced into houselessness, and winter temps will be here starting tomorrow night. The wishlist is here.
I struggled with picking, everything is a survival need! I ended up buying one of the ten packs (TEN!) of sleeping bags for now. I still have to balance our cash flow which isn’t quite holding steady and I’ve been giving a lot of cash to direct aid needs.

Just a little link love

The 2024 Dog Photography Awards Showcases Ace Pet Photographers

What Will You Do? Life-changing choices we may be forced to make if Donald Trump wins

The genius (derogatory) who proposed using LLMs to transcribe medical records needs to be smacked across the face and stopped. Just making up text whole cloth! Deleting the source material!

The Jan. 6 riot included Marines. The military is wrestling with the consequences. This is bullshit: But what about the lopsided number of Marines who took part in the Capitol attack?

“No, I don’t worry about that. I think what you see is an anomaly. Those individuals who participated in the Jan. 6 events, those weren’t Marines. They were individuals masquerading as Marines. Our culture didn’t bind to them.”

It’s like people pretending that people who are Christian and evil aren’t “real Christians”. Total copout. They are real Christians, and they’re choosing evil. These are real Marines, who specifically went to the capital, and you know that because you didn’t dishonorably discharge them. Ugh.

How Antifascists in Pennsylvania Mobilized Their Community Against an Active Neo-Nazi

OMG Dog people, this is terrible and hilarious: An Introduction to My Family’s Long, Ongoing Failed Experiment With Designer Dogs

Puerto Ricans should vote for Kamala Harris

This makes me so mad I can’t see straight: A Texas Woman Died After the Hospital Said It Would be a “Crime” to Intervene in Her Miscarriage

GOOD: Robert Downey Jr. Refuses to Let Hollywood Create His AI Digital Replica: ‘I Intend to Sue All Future Executives’ Who Recreate My Likeness. “You’ll be dead,” Swisher noted, to which Downey replied: “But my law firm will still be very active.”

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (297) and Link Love”

  1. Bethany D says:

    Hooray for box-checking days! I spent half of Saturday checking off boxes… and half of it feeling utterly overwhelmed at how many MORE boxes there are to check.. but at least I’m not falling further behind, so I guess that’s sort of making progress? 🤷‍♀️

    I’ve been reading more of the Designer Dog blog and it is a RIOT!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the link suggestion. 😊

    • Revanche says:

      We are TOTALLY making progress! Absolutely. Otherwise those unchecked boxes would join the new unchecked boxes and spawn exponentially 😭

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