By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (298) and Link Love

November 8, 2024

1. We’re still trying to cure ballots before we run out of time to save the House, can you help?

Actions we can take: subscribe to independent journalism outlets not owned by billionaires and take away money from NYT, WaPo etc. The Guardian comes to mind, the Philly Inquirer refused to bend a knee, I’ve seen strong reporting out of Propublica now and again.

Caveat: I haven’t had time to dig deep on these yet so if you know of things wrong with them, please drop a line in the comments! Your thoughts are welcome in either direction. I’d bookmarked this list for future review.

I’m going to take a hard look at the budget to figure out how to balance our upcoming plans against the increased needs of vulnerable people. I’ve picked up two more Lakota families ahead of enough money coming in so if you’d like to help get a mom with a broken foot some shoes and clothes, and another elder a sewing machine for quilting, we could always use the help!

It sounds like there is a strong start at coalition building at worth fighting for.

How to survive the apocalypse (again)

Just a little link love

Forty-three monkeys escape from US research lab – apropos this week.

“I’m so disgusted” seems to be the theme of this link love. The election, naturally. Ken White says much of what I’m feeling (minus the safe white dude part).

Canvassers for Elon Musk’s America PAC Were Fired and Stranded in Michigan After Speaking Out

Sam Alito Got Knighted… Just Like The Founding Fathers EXPLICITLY MADE UNCONSTITUTIONAL

America’s Top Archivist Puts a Rosy Spin on U.S. History—Pruning the Thorny Parts. Quoting large swaths because I don’t know how long the article will be available but what a terrible choice for the National Archives Colleen Shogan is. It looks like she’s making the National Archives over in the image of white men all over again. Shogan’s senior aides ordered that a proposed image of Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. be cut from a planned “Step Into History” photo booth in the Discovery Center. The booth will give visitors a chance to take photos of themselves superimposed alongside historic figures. The aides also ordered the removal of labor-union pioneer Dolores Huerta and Minnie Spotted-Wolf, the first Native American woman to join the Marine Corps, from the photo booth, according to current and former employees and agency documents.

The aides proposed using instead images of former President Richard Nixon greeting Elvis Presley and former President Ronald Reagan with baseball player Cal Ripken Jr.


After reviewing plans for an exhibit about the nation’s Westward expansion, Shogan asked one staffer, Why is it so much about Indians? according to current and former employees. Among the records Shogan ordered cut from the exhibit were several treaties signed by Native American tribes ceding their lands to the U.S. government, according to the employees and documents.


Shogan and her top advisers told employees to remove Dorothea Lange’s photos of Japanese-American incarceration camps from a planned exhibit because the images were too negative and controversial, according to documents and current and former employees. Shogan’s aides also asked staff to eliminate references about the wartime incarceration from some educational materials, other current and former employees said.


Senior archives leaders repeatedly told employees that museum exhibits needed to be relatable for the average visitor, including Iowa farmers. One former staffer was told to look for success stories about white people, according to current and former employees.

8 Responses to “Good Things Friday (298) and Link Love”

  1. anandar says:

    Just wanted to say, how grateful I am for your blog (even though I am not good about comments) and all of these links!

  2. Juli Thompson says:

    Check out Talking Points Memo. It’s independent and does good work.

  3. bethh says:

    Thank you for the link to Ken White’s post. I hadn’t encountered him before. I’ve fallen into a “America has spoken and it wants this – eff everything” slump and that article is helping kick my butt back out of this cozy wallow.

    Agree with supporting good media. I’m torn about unsubscribing to WaPo – an article in The Atlantic pointed out that we should punish Bezos, not journalists, if our outrage is about the lack of endorsement. My issues with Big Media are more wide-spread but it was a point I’m still meditating on.

    Thanks for that bluesky link – I’ll keep an eye out for more suggestions like that.

    • Revanche says:

      Ken White is @Popehat on Bsky, he’s a good brain/good egg.

      And I know that feeling. But just like he said: while I don’t have white privilege, I’m close enough to it that I don’t get to give up.

      For me, the outrage with the lack of endorsement was that it was a last straw sort of thing. Their past few years of choices, big media’s general fawning over Trump instead of telling the truth and all that, those led to this total exasperation. I get the sense on Bsky at least that this is what the mass cancellation was about.

      My hope is if we all fund and elevate good journalism with independent outlets, we could make better opportunities for the journalists who do not deserve to be punished for the bullshit of the billionaires.

  4. Maya says:

    Thank you. This is going to be important. NYT and WaPo are fuelling and channeling so much misinformation.

    Timothy Snyder and Heather Cox Richardson are both succinct and coherent.
    @erininthemorning and @jortsandjean have important things to say on Twitter (for me).

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