By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (310) and Link Love

January 31, 2025

1. I pulled some grass and clover to make space for the many tiny poppy plants that are peeping up through the soil.

2. A tiny scoop of delicious Tillamook strawberry ice cream goes a long way.

Just a little link love

The first Top Guns were the 332nd Fighter Group, Tuskegee Airmen in 1949. Of course the military pretended they didn’t know who the winners were for 44 years. Racist assholes.

This is annoying on first glance: Omnipresent AI cameras will ensure good behavior, says Larry Ellison. And then this quote was extra annoying: “We’re going to have supervision,” he continued. “Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there’s a problem, AI will report the problem and report it to the appropriate person.” These people simply do not live in the real world. AND THEN WHAT, ELLISON? After it’s reported to the appropriate person, fuckall will happen, that’s what! This isn’t going to be used to police the police, they’re going to continue to be abusive because nothing and no one is going to hold them to account. If they were going to be, we would already see them being held responsible for their actions, we don’t need this BS “AI” monitoring to accomplish that. Ugh.

This was a tiny bit of less-bad news: White House rescinds memo on federal aid freeze that caused widespread confusion. I scoff at the use of “confusion” though. It’s not confusion, it’s OUTRAGE. I don’t think this clears up everything though, I don’t think there’s confirmation that the funding has returned to normal.

Update: nope nothing returned to normal, they just rescinded the memo but not the effects so tons of federal funding is now tied up with confusion.

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