Living in the time of pandemic: COVID-19 (243)
January 27, 2025
Year 4 of COVID in the Bay Area.
Year 5, Day 278: A plague is upon our house. Having successfully taken down JB, the (noro?)virus moved on to me and I’m wiped OUT. It’s gotten PiC too. Smol Acrobat has a whole different set of symptoms so we’re collectively a mess. Days and weeks like this remind me – we definitely can’t have a dog for at least another year. It’s too hard to get sick, be unable to rest because you need to keep someone else alive, even harder when you need to keep a pet alive and well. My antivirals are doing a fine job of keeping me off death’s doorstep but it can’t make me well.
It’s fine, I miss my dogs deeply but we need this time and energy cushion so I’ll be using this time to rebuild the dog savings account. We can always build money margin by saving more and earning more where possible but I don’t know how to build health/energy margin.
Year 5, Day 279: Now obviously I’m nowhere near being a billionaire so there must be something I’m missing but I have a quibble with this quote from Warren Buffett: Real estate is generally a “good investment” during times of inflation, according to Buffett.
“They’re the businesses that you buy once and then you don’t have to keep making capital investments subsequently. So, you do not face the problem of continuous reinvestments involving greater and greater dollars because of inflation,” he said during the 2015 Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting.
No subsequent capital investments? Nothing like general maintenance and replacement appliances (we provided fridge, microwave, stove and oven), or refurbishing the whole place when a tenant trashed it? I got out of real estate because I tried to keep rent low, and that meant that the ongoing costs of maintenance and the cost of lost rent weren’t sufficiently covered. Even if the tenants always paid on time, there’s always something that needs to be maintained annually. My friend with multiple rental units ran through all of their reserves carefully built up over the entire several years they have been doing rentals because one tenant both refused to pay rent, drove away fellow tenants, and trashed two places. They have to start all over rebuilding so they can continue to provide appropriate maintenance for the remaining tenants. My other friend with multiple rentals who is committed to ethical landlording with low-priced rent, doing all the work themselves and promptly, hasn’t broken even in years. I’m well aware there are many predatory landlords and rental companies out there who are more than making ends meet but it’s hard not to look at that statement without full on skepticism about how exactly they’re avoiding any further investments. Though I suppose he’s probably talking about a much larger scale than anything I’m talking about.
Year 5, Day 280: Related to billionaires, I was thinking about this Courtney Milan thread about money and dopamine. My corollary theory to hers is that people whose only hobby and dopamine generator is the pursuit of more money are up a creek, existentially speaking, when they can’t derive dopamine from making or spending money anymore.
On my own personal scale I’ve experienced this in a multitude of ways. In the early days of this blog I needed to work inhumane hours to survive, and then my brain correlated the dopamine of survival = the dopamine of thriving, therefore the path to happiness must be working too hard all the time. That’s one pattern and a brain muscle memory that I still have trouble breaking back out of when I have an intense period of working. Last week, for example. And when the thing you’re expecting to bring you dopamine doesn’t anymore? Problem. That was also last week for me. I did so much work and felt zero satisfaction. It was frustrating.
Then there’s just forgetting how to have fun or relax. That happens a lot for me, too.
My personal fix: I try to pay close attention to small pleasures. Having a batch of cute small inexpensive but well made earrings I can swap in and out without pain is this month’s tiny pleasure. Maybe next month’s too. I hope I’ll always cherish this tiny feeling of satisfaction.
Year 5, Day 281: Woke up exhausted, as usual. Nearly spread sour cream on my bagel exhausted. That’s not great but not unusual. Not as usual: those episodes I’ve have now and again at night? It hit me when I got up this morning. Even after a lot of water, Gatorade, some food and a lot of sitting, the dizziness, dark spots on my vision, and feeling like I was on the precipice of vomiting (but without nausea weirdly enough) remained all morning and afternoon. Absolutely awful.
And then there are so many reasons for the perpetual screaming in my head this week.
Obviously, the world and politics. For no specific reason, I’m thinking about things like Citroen’s genius act of sabotage against the Nazis in World War II and how we might apply such lessons to our lives today.
Taxes and the inability to know anything right now. I have no idea if we’ll owe, last year was weird in enough ways I can’t even guess, and I cannot do anything about it until the end of the month or mid Feb at best because our documents take forever. Mid Feb may be optimistic even.
Work: so many unanswered questions. So many answers I did get, and don’t like.
Worrying about friends in bad relationships, I wish this one were never a line item but it feels like it always is.
I need a deep therapeutic scream, join me?
Year 5, Day 282: I have no idea what happened to the Friday entry! Which is kind of apropos for how this whole week has gone.
Deep therapeutic scream sharing – yes! And 2/3rds of our family of 3 have been sick for the past 10 days – and even though the kid is a teenager, it is still miserable. Here’s to healthier days ahead for your family.
Oh I’m so sorry, that’s such a long time to be miserable. D: May you all be fully recovered by this weekend. <3
Apparently there are some good norovirus vaccine candidates in the works! I for one can’t wait.
Oh that sounds really exciting! Can’t-wait-ing with you!
I am screaming so loud with you. I only look at the news with one eye squinched shut and for a few minutes at a time and on skim and still. Ugh.
I was just thinking last night that I have a whole new perspective on midlife crises – dopamine is harder to get, I have seen very personal examples that our time is finite, etc etc. Suddenly the fancy red sports car makes more sense than it used to! (metaphorically, anyway)
Yep I think we HAVE to filter out 23.5 hours of the noise a day or we’d collapse under the weight of it.
Feels like I’ve always been fatalistic and super aware of my mortality so the acquisitions for happiness thing never computed but when you put it in terms of dopamine, yeah it makes more sense. But I’m trying to find the more sustainable approaches to dopamine.