By: Revanche

Living in the time of pandemic: COVID-19 (248)

March 3, 2025

Year 4 of COVID in the Bay Area.

Year 5, Day 309: One of the many “first things” I did this morning was to schedule alarms for alllll my meetings. Has to be on my phone, can’t do it on calendars because those reminders are useless for my brain, apparently.

Speaking of useless and my brain, I ordered a load of supplies for my puppy niblings on the weekend. Today I realized AUGHHH I sent it to the wrong address!! I called Chewy, told them I mega goofed and asked if there was anything we could do? The CSR was very kind, laughed with me about it, and offered a couple solutions. Both of them cost me nothing and the right puppies would get the right delivery. In a day when everything else took so much more work to produce less result, that help was much appreciated.

I managed to throw together dinner with all kinds of fish: poke from the local market, seared our two last chunks of ahi tuna from a friend’s catch, and Sunday’s baked salmon all made it on the table with rice and cucumbers. Thank goodness that was easy. I also threw a frozen Costco lasagna in the oven which was going to take too long for dinner but juuust in case people were still hungry, figured it’d be ready for the tail end of dinner. JB scarfed 3/4 of the seared ahi tuna and then held out for dessert lasagna. This is probably getting to be a bad habit. I made dessert cornbread on the weekend.

I feel this quote deeply, all the time: “Of course I’m amazing at it but I hate it! It’s all relationships and people. So many people. In person.” Mike B, Madam Secretary.

Year 5, Day 310: Ah ha. So this virus is shaping up to be flu-like. Fantastic. I could blame my mood on that today but I’ll be honest, there are 15 million other reasons for my “why can’t I retire Right Flipping Now” scowling and growling. Most of them are at the US government, a significant number of those reasons are at work, and there’s no day I’m particularly happy at work these days. We are making progress on one set of important projects to get support in place so that’s a long term good but it’s hard to feel positive right now. This is going to take time to settle down.

I put myself to bed to work, and that helped me. I didn’t feel better by the time I had to pick up JB and do the working from an uncomfortable chair at JB’s activity thing, but at least it wasn’t a lot worse.

We had an “easy” night planned for dinner: a Costco Irish stew with a Costco loaf of bread. Not planned: JB injuring their hand. I bandaged it up to stabilize it and let them sleep in my bed because they’re a strange creature when it comes to their bed nest and they had a specific nesting ritual planned for tonight which they can’t do one handed. Here’s hoping the swelling goes down tomorrow and it’s not worse than a sprain.

Year 5, Day 311: There is simultaneously too much work and yet somehow not enough distraction from the fact that we’re waiting on multiple financial things: bonus announcements, raise announcements, our taxes and whether we owe or expect a refund. I hate waiting! It should be a good thing but it can’t be good until I actually have the pertinent information and see if it’s what we need. *GIMME*

I’m also extra anxious on the tax front. If we do owe more, I don’t want to give this administration a penny. If we are owed a refund, what’s the likelihood they’ll actually be paid? Seems low!

Around midday I wandered outside to find that the weather had changed on me. Not too hot, not too cold, just perfect. I still felt like garbage physically but the emotional uplift was temporarily so strong that I went and weeded the garden a bit. I opened all the windows and aired out the house.

That also reminded me that JB’s in between swimsuits sizes and has a 60% off sale so I picked out clearance items in the next two sizes up for them. Smol Acrobat already has their next two sizes up so they’re good for now. I wish shopping for swimsuits for myself felt as simple as picking roughly the right sizes and then clicking BUY. Never has felt that way though.

Year 5, Day 312: My pain flares are coming more frequently and at a higher levels like it’s building up to a tsunami. I’m increasing my antidepressants dosage today for overall pain maintenance, and have an appointment to talk to the chronic pain pharmacist next week about any other pain meds I could try for the acute pain.

Whine: I have to set our eye appointments AGAIN. Didn’t we just do this?? I find that I dread eye appointments so much it feels like once a year per person is too much. Versus dental appointments which happen twice or thrice a year.

Oh hey I do not hate the La Croix Lime flavor! Our dentist had them out for some things and I gave it a try. Not bad! Now I’m hoping they have other flavors I like but I’m wary of trying a 12 pack.

I have to do my planks today, don’t I? I usually try to do them Sunday or Monday because we are not friends and the mental fortitude required to meet your mortal workout enemy for fifty six seconds a pop doesn’t exist by the end of the week. But Sunday and Monday my flu symptoms were overwhelming so here we are. Thursday planks. Three sets of 56-second planks. You know what helps? Taking off your socks before you plank so you’re not fighting to plank AND keep your toes from slipping out from under you. Protip.

While I was laid out on the floor, I also did 30 glute bridges and 40 lying leg raises. I live here now.

Year 5, Day 313: After I went into a 3 week flare up after my last massage, I worried that my body couldn’t handle massages anymore. But thinking about the timing more, it had to be coincidental because in that same week, I got very bad news and then we were also just a couple weeks out from the inauguration so my whole being was clenched tight as a drum in anticipation of the terrible that was able to roll out.

I’m now attributing the massive flare-up to the corresponding spike of stress going through the stratosphere in January. So I had my massage which helped my back that’s been a wreck since working from bed for so many nights, and have increased my antidepressants which may be sufficient to stave off the worst of my tsunami of anxiety. It does feel less intense than it’s been feeling so that’s something. We made some good decisions: to NOT volunteer tonight at the PTA thing. Only PiC was going to go but that left me managing the kids alone on the Friday night after a long as hell week. We decided the better choice was to accept a last minute invitation to see our friends on the weekend for an impromptu overnight, so we called it a night early.

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