By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: I am a pizza edition

November 9, 2017

Do you think there’s still stigma around sharing pregnancy news in the first trimester?

The number of ways our society finds to demean, punish, and oppress poor people is disgusting. Separating parents from their children, accusing them of abandonment, and then barring them from seeing said children?? Disgusting.Β 

There’s a NAME for why we’re so bad at time management when we make commitments! I’m actually getting good at dealing with this but I know others who aren’t.

It’ll sound weird to say this but I’m happy to discover these PF bloggers living with chronic pain – Kiwi and Keweenaw reached smart conclusions about this life lightyears before I did.

Maggie’s FinCon-on-Twitter recap cracked me up. Especially because she included one of my more stressful moments πŸ™‚

I am a pizza! (with extra cheese)

JB has been singing this for months but we didn’t know what the song was until recently. And now I gift it to you. It’s pretty cute.

8 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: I am a pizza edition”

  1. Sally says:

    Re: the pregnancy question: I don’t think there’s stigma and shame for everyone. It hadn’t even occurred to me that it would be a stigma/shame thing, so I know for sure that my not announcing until second trimester had nothing to do with that. I didn’t tell many people because I so, so wanted the baby and if I had lost her so early, I would have been heartbroken. And if I had happened to have some space of being distracted from my grief, well-meaning yet mis-timed congratulations or sympathy would have set me back into that space again. Trying to be ready for loss in a way that works for you is not the same thing as stigma and shame.

    • Revanche says:

      I’m glad you haven’t experienced it! I’ve observed other people being shamed for sharing early, though, and I don’t really understand why that’s a thing.

  2. Mrs. Kiwi @ says:

    It is helpful to know there are other people who are also suffering with chronic pain. Chronic illnesses also can be major financial drains and we’ve seen friends/family struggle with pain and use money to try to solve their problems. Our path has had many ups and downs, we are still trying to figure it all out.

    • Revanche says:

      Yes, I was lucky (I guess) that I didn’t ever have good solutions I could pay for, I assumed it was because I needed more disposable income to find the cure. Turns out there isn’t one, but at least I’ve worked to a point of being more stable. πŸ™‚

  3. Stephanie says:

    I wouldn’t call it a stigma of not sharing. I have noticed that some people share early and I’ve thought, “wow that’s early to share” but mostly since I’ve suffered a loss and I hated having to tell people the sad news. At the same time, I wish everyone felt like they could share more openly when they’ve suffered a loss. Because pretty much until I had my rainbow baby, I was scared/sad and wasn’t always able to talk about it. I also wished at times that somehow people knew, since some people asked “when are you going to have kids?” very soon after my loss.
    Stephanie recently posted…Fun STEM-themed clothes from Svaha USAMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      As I understand it, people seem to feel like there’s a stigma if they do share early, which is sad for those who need the support early.

  4. This pizza song is EVERYTHING.

    As for announcing pregnancies, I was planning on sharing on my blog between 8-10 weeks since I’m anonymous and I was STRUGGLING not telling anyone besides my husband IRL. But then I remembered I have one coworker (and v good friend!) who actually did find my blog last year. And I wanted to make sure all the people who I could tell face to face heard it from me first. So I waited until after the first trimester to tell the interwebs and friends.

    I’m so glad you found more excellent PF bloggers, especially ones who are so wise!

    Happy weekend, Revanche!

    • Revanche says:

      In hindsight, it was all so much clearer when you did announce πŸ™‚ That pizza song HAUNTS me!! Happy Monday, Penny!

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