By: Revanche

Gone Seafooding

August 15, 2012

There’s a spot our friend shared with us “in” Half Moon Bay, though we’ve been assured by other friends that it’s not actually IN Half Moon Bay really, called Barbara’s Fish Trap, which serves some pretty fantastic fish and chips.

The view from ashore: Chilly.

Sign: Slightly misleading. (I’d just like to point out, Super Captain Sarcasmo-style, that we are just as astonished as the sign that pets are allowed but we are happy to bring one.)

More than enough fried and fried: Fish and chips, calamari.

Not greasy, lightly battered, and a hefty serving size. Not pictured: non-dairy clam chowder. Not recalling why the non-dairy was important, just that the chowder was delicious.

Mussels with So Much Garlic, and Butter Sauce. Everything that is right.

It was on some trip or another that I discovered that mussels served as an appetizer or as an entree like so, is FANTASTIC. I may have had to grow up to figure this out but homigosh am I glad this has happened. BLISS.


An AMAZING DIY Oyster on the Half Shell. Amazingly hard to crack open.

In one of my rarer moments of adventure, I requested an excursion. An oystering excursion. PiC obliged, despite his usual personal oyster consumption limit of about 4. Of course I bought fifty. Minor miracle we survived that day.

*Note: I bought fifty because it worked out to $1/each that way. Of course.

And Doggle came away smelling of oysters for a week. Long story.

9 Responses to “Gone Seafooding”

  1. oh my gosh… you live such a wonderful luxurious life. FIFTY OYSTERS!! O_O!
    Even less four is pretty good!! And fish and chips too! Mmmm.

    On a side note, does the sign mean “No Pets Allowed” or “NO! Pets allowed”? o_O
    The placement of the exclamation mark changes the meaning completely….

    • Revanche says:

      PiC actually had to eat more than four, feeling compelled to help out with the fifty. He wasn’t terribly pleased about this. But I had to have had about thirty before we called it quits. The rest came home with us. šŸ™‚

      That sign… oh, that sign. I am quite sure they really meant no pets are allowed!

  2. Oh my, that looks excellent. My taste buds are jubilantly exhaling over those mussels in particular. Instead of the usual gruel, why oh why can you not appease us and plop something similar into your mouth, they are accusing.

    *sigh* ok.

    (May need to reserve a spot at our favorite seafood haunt now for lunch.)

    • Revanche says:

      I have only ever had mussels twice, and this was the second time. They. Were. SO Good!

      I hope you did have some deliciousness!

  3. jeweliette23 says:

    Omg, everything looks so tasty! And I can tell from your photo that the mussels are plump and juicy, the way they should be. šŸ™‚

    • Revanche says:

      They were quite impressive. I’ve been warned before that mussels are a tricky business in restaurants as they have to be cleaned well, I think, but this worked out beautifully.

  4. Awww…. My parents used to live in Half-Moon Bay, back in the day when blue-collar families could afford California.

    Glad it’s still there and you had a wonderful time. Oysters…ohhh to have some fresh oysters! Not available affordably in these parts, alas.

    • Revanche says:

      That’s neat, I can only imagine how nice that must have been. I know some folks who do still live really cheaply out there but because they have very interesting arrangements. Wish I had leave to share them (except then I’d have to reveal why I wanted to share, ie: the blog.) Having been told this really is NOT true HMB, I am now wondering what it really is!

      Now I’m craving oysters again, believe it or not. Glutton for punishment.

  5. […] and PiC took an excursion to Half-Moon Bay. So, so lovely and relaxing. Wonder if the proceeds from kidnapping a neighbor would set me up in […]

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