March 23, 2009

Food makes everything better

Can it make Mondays better? Here are a few fondly remembered meals of my once-extravagant business-dinner past:

Oh, formal business dinners, how I miss thee ….

Apologies but I can’t identify all the meals by name/restaurant, it feels like that would be revealing too much. (For example, how poor my memory is, for one thing!)

And I know we had some spectacular salads, too, but I can’t find those pictures, so wee cute little dessert will have to suffice.

And I can assure you, all those fancy dinners did not make me a food snob. While they were delightfully, sinfully delicious, I truly appreciate my plain food routine after all the rich foods and eating out.

March 15, 2009

Muddlin’ Monday

After the hike yesterday, my joints are rather sore and I’m in need of some resting up to head off a major ‘ritis flare-up. Therefore, health day!

The shoulder has been out of whack for a long time, so I’m getting that worked on today. We’ll have a late lunch of cheese pizza and salad, and catch up with some old friends.

The Futility Fund (administered by Vanguard) was infused with the Rollover Contribution, finally. That’s $800+ down that drain. 🙂

I’m still waiting for that last insurance reimbursement check from the credit card company, though. Should call and find out what’s taking them s’darned long this time.

Hope everyone else is having a fabulous day!

March 10, 2009

I had all these plans

Most of them were for the weekend, but one was specifically for tonight.

Tonight, at 9 pm, a walking expedition to the local Fresh ‘n’ Easy was scheduled. Armed with a $2 off $10 or $5 off $20 coupon, a foray into the after-hours discounted produce and possibly other meal components was meant to bear much fruit and even veggies for the lunches of tomorrow and tomorrower.

As we all know, I don’t like the scurvy.

Instead, held captive by Dr. Gregory House on and the ice-cold (45-degrees for the layperson who knows of winter) winds, huddled in the room stayed I. No fresh bought comestibles, no provender, for my lunch tomorrow.

Luckily, leftovers shall be the saving of me. There’s some meatloaf from Sunday’s lunch that will serve admirably. Perhaps also a can of corn. Perhaps I’ll be that adventurous. Better luck tomorrow.

February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday

Two work lunches in a row: we’re having gumbo today.

I know @mrsmicah got some beads today, (Twitter is so fun!) is anyone doing anything fun?

‘scuse me, I have to go find food because I’m starving. As always.


Mapgirl’s got some medical emergency stuff going on, please send good thoughts her way.
SFOrdinaryGirl‘s also got some stuff going on. She’s not mentioned it on the blog, but please send some positive thoughts her way anyway.

February 23, 2009

Weekend Tally

Egads, I spent a lot this week.

Monday night: a sushi dinner with friends, $10
Saturday: full tank of gas to go visiting, because my family uses my car and never fills up, $30
Sunday: a movie, $2
Philly cheesesteaks and fries, $17
groceries, $20

That’s pretty much my month’s allowance, so it’s a good thing I loaded up on orange juice, Clementine Cuties, tuna and spinach for salads ($1/bag!), and whole wheat bagels. That’ll get me through a week of breakfasts, snacks and lunches. We’re potlucking one day this week: stew, brussels sprouts and french bread. I could only find french bread bowls ($1.25/2), so that’s what we’re having.

I was inadvertently out all weekend. A depressed friend needed some company, so I spent all Saturday afternoon/evening with her. She seemed in better spirits after that, though still easily fatigued, so I hope the fun of the weekend carries her through the week a little better. I know it’ll help me keep a more even keel in these trying times.

On the plus side of the ledger:
The brother ponied up some cash, $200
Travel expenses were reimbursed, $315
Truck insurance refund finally in, $115

I guess I could afford to spend a little.

February 17, 2009

Lunch Break

1. Positively antsy to get my/family taxes completed. Yes, this is my confession that I did not offficially file my taxes myself, again, this year. Gah. I’ll feel guilty about it later. I did my usual dry-run, and I think I’ve finally gotten things straight. If they match the accountant’s, I’m filing my own next year. *goal set!*

2. Got two ING Direct referral bonuses in the last week, courtesy of Flexo‘s awesome link-sharing policy. Thanks Flexo! [If anyone wants one directly from me, I’d be happy to send you one!]

3. Still waiting to see my check for the truck insurance refund. How sad, just $115. Stinks that they refunded it to a card I canceled, so I have to wait for that card to send me the check.

4. Expect to be doing the same run-around with the insurance refund on the sedan.

5. Food makes everything better: we’re going to potluck next week. This should be good.

February 11, 2009

TIdbits on a flu-ish mind

Gripey: Upon receiving my email about feeling worse than yesterday, I got a call from work: “Well, I just wanted to talk to you about [whole slew of projects] before [that person] leaves.”

Yeah, no. I’m not going to remember anything from this conversation so let’s try this later. I might even be less grumpy about it. C’mon people, I’m home SICK. Not home until you think of something for me to do!

Gravy: Food! There’s food in the house. I so love food. Whole wheat bread, peanut butter, eggs. Leftover tofu soup. Leftover pasta and meatballs. Bin bin rice crackers? Where have you been hiding? Peach carrot juice. Um, what? Whatever, tastes fine.

I’m going to be eating myself into oblivion if you don’t mind, and perhaps even sating the craving for an awesome bacon cheeseburger later this afternoon if my friend will indulge me and go with. In my diseased state of mind, $4 doesn’t sound bad at all for what I’m assured will be a Fantastique! burger experience.

P.S. I love Twitter right now, it’s slowly making me feel human again after not talking to anyone for what feels like days on end.

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