August 18, 2023

Good Things Friday (234) and Link Love

1. I made a good decision to not stress myself out trying to do ALL THE THINGS one day this week and it worked out really well. I didn’t end the day hating everything.

2. Past Me froze an apple pie and Present Me got to eat it. Excellent decisions!

Helping folks:My friend Quiara lives on a low fixed income and recently got the bad news that not only won’t SSA cover her insurance premium this year, they’re making this decision retroactively. I don’t know where they think she’s going to conjure that money from but if you can, Help Q survive the year?


August 11, 2023

Good Things Friday (233) and Link Love

1. Self pats on the back for having bought medium and large size pants for JB from Lands End when they were on sale, a couple years ago. I pulled them out of the storage bin today and figured out which ones fit better for this school year and organized the next size ups into another container. Easy peasy and hardly any shopping needed. I’m lucky they still generally like the same things two years on. Won’t be that easy in a few, I suspect.


July 28, 2023

Good Things Friday (231) and Link Love

  1. I can’t remember if I posted this so I am posting now: JB’s Spotted Friends Collection is live! They’re dreaming up new themes, and experimenting with more art.

2. I’d been waffling about on the idea of selling my old phone after I upgraded last year. It still works, the battery was just degraded to the point of requiring two or three charging sessions a day with my heavy use and shutting off at 33% power. But! I found a use for it! JB can use it to read books on Libby and play games on the PBS kids app.

Challenges this week:


July 21, 2023

Good Things Friday (230) and Link Love

1. My cough won’t budge but my pain has been lower than usual. I’ll take the win.

Helping folks: A dear friend who has helped me through therapy, mental health struggles, and more is in a really tough situation right now. She escaped an abusive parent / caretaking situation with a lot of help 2 years ago (old GFM here for reference). She was able to start over with a clean slate, but of course since then, her job has been steadily cutting her pay and her hours. She’s been actively job hunting, I’ve been helping, but things are rough out there and she’s not been able to find a safe landing pad. She didn’t want to ask for help, she didn’t actually ask me for help, but I know she needs it and I’ve been in that exact situation where I wasn’t sure it was worth continuing to fight, and been unwilling to ask for help myself. I won’t leave a friend like that.

Her current critical need is that her car needs work, estimated to cost $2000+, which she can’t afford with the steady drop in income. I’ve set aside a large chunk of cash for it, and am hoping friends will be able to help pitch in to help us get the rest of the way. You know I’d never ask for myself, but I will ask for a friend. We have $600 right now, so we’re almost halfway there. If you can, every bit would help so much.

Venmo: @RK-Tillman
PayPal: ruthtillman [at sign]
Cashapp: $ruthkt


July 14, 2023

Good Things Friday (229) and Link Love

1. I finished my backpack repair!! The resurrection of a beloved backpack is deeply satisfying. It’s icing on the cake that it only cost an additional $3 in sewing needles on top of the other stuff I already had (thread, spare fabric, old lanyards, a sewing machine that works).

2. The ant bait recommendations worked wonderfully. I think it’s ok to draw a line under the kitchen invasion, that seems to be over. I baited our bathrooms that were still receiving several visitors a day. It’s odd though, they aren’t behaving as I’d grown to expect. Usually you see several scouts and then a full scale incursion hits the next couple of days. They sent scouts daily for weeks without ever fully committing so I don’t understand what’s happening. I wonder if they have a whole other strategy I don’t understand.


July 7, 2023

Good Things Friday (228) and Link Love

1. Gave PiC and Smol Acrobat their haircuts this weekend. Smol hates their haircuts so it took a ton of energy and Lucky Charms to get through. JB’s next. Savings: $50 Remembering that we shouldn’t do three haircuts on the same day: priceless.

2. I let us both off the dinner hook over the weekend. We were wiped out from the week, and we had cooked all week which makes me feel better when I do resort to takeout. We had a treat of burgers and fries and shared a mini shake between the four of us. That last wasn’t specifically to be frugal. The shared mini shake is exactly the right amount for everyone in addition to their own burgers and a big helping of fries. Still, not wasting money on a larger shake, some of which could go to waste, feels like the comfortably frugal thing to do.

Helping folks: FOGA‘s friend is trying to escape an abuser, can you help?

ZJ’s friend lost her sibling, leaving her the sole surviving member of her nuclear family, and is trying to raise funds to help their brother in law be with their niblings during this time of grief.


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