January 20, 2023

Good Things Friday (204) and Link Love

1. A handful of us PF folk threw together a bundle of money so I could buy a variety of snacks for Penny’s students before the holidays. It was gratifying just to know that hungry kids were getting some food, but this update made me so happy.

There’s more people than I can even think to tag, but a whole Twitter crew helped @RevAGSL send my kiddos snacks. And I just got the test scores back?! The kids who tested with me and ate beforehand almost all made their growth goals 😭 I can’t say that about any other class.

2. Then a handful of folks chimed in wanting to be part of the next round. This is great! There will be a next round! I hold the funds in a separate account and track it on a spreadsheet between rounds, then let people know once I shop what our collective funds bought. It’s great.

Also supporting:

Child and Family Relief Round: The “Child and Family Relief Fund” campaign aims to support families with children who are significantly impacted by the ongoing crisis and famine in Afghanistan.

Troop 6000TM is a Girl Scout program specially designed to serve girls in the New York City Shelter System.


January 13, 2023

Good Things Friday (203) and Link Love

1. I hope that by the time this goes live, the order will have shipped already. I bought a dear friend something from off their wish list that I normally don’t get to see. It’s a fun extra surprise because their birthday and Christmas are quite far off.

2. Our wonderful regular contributors to the Lakota Giving Project got us in gear to start this year off right. I’ve been working on our first family! Deeply grateful for this community. ❤️❤️❤️

3. I’ve discovered the ability to take long screenshots and to add them to WordPress so I’m sharing tweet threads that way to preserve them in case they go away.

Challenges this week:


January 6, 2023

Good Things Friday (202) and Link Love

1.Mutual aid needed: GoFundMe for a family whose home was destroyed by fire the week before Christmas.

2. I hope this doesn’t jinx us but Smol Acrobat has willingly and voluntarily (as in, ate it themselves instead of having to be coaxed) eaten full meals three nights this week: a starch, protein and veggie! This is big.

3. In scraping the silver stuff that covers the access code on a Target gift card, a whole chunk of the sticker with the numbers came off too. Unfortunately a chunk that I needed! I wrote down all the numbers I could see clearly and then manually tested every single permutation of numbers to find the access code. I found it!

4. I need to remember this more often. I frequently struggle with seeing my progress when it does happen:

Challenges this week: insomnia is a terrible foe.


December 23, 2022

Good Things Friday (200) and Link Love

1. I hate having to ask for help but the kids were both sick and we needed to know we had enough medication for them both. I had to put out a call to some friends to see if they could get a line on more meds. We were so lucky they happened to have extra!

Challenges this week: everyone is so sick and tired.


December 16, 2022

Good Things Friday (199) and Link Love

1. You’d think I could come up with at least one good thing this week, eh? But it’s been a hell of a week and the best thing I can say is I was able to work from bed a few days this week (and I should have done all week) which has given me more than the bare illusion of rest that I was faking when I called sitting at my desk and working “rest”. Here’s to a better next week.


December 9, 2022

Good Things Friday (198) and Link Love

1. $76 saved! I trimmed JB’s hair, cut Smol Acrobat’s hair, and cleaned up PiC’s self haircut and saved us the cost of two cuts and a trim.

2. My last purchase at CVS before cancelling Carepass: three toothbrushes ($16.77) – $3 off $10 Colgate purchase – $10 off max single item (no idea why they applied the full $10 to three items but I am not objecting) + tax = $4.66 with free shipping. Pretty good considering how pricy the extra soft toothbrushes are!

3. One of the TMobile Tuesday rewards came in handy: the BOGO on Jamba Juice. The kids love it, and we adults appreciate it too, but it’s too rich for our blood to have on the treat rotation. BOGO works, though!

Challenges this week: Smol’s on their third virus in a row in less than three weeks. I am very tired.

Finding ibuprofen and acetaminophen (I usually buy generic) took over an hour to find a store that had both in stock at a close enough location that would be feasible for pick up. Nearly everything was unavailable for shipping from Target, CVS, and Walgreens. Considering how many times Smol has caught something, we’re going to need this.


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