January 26, 2024

Good Things Friday (257) and Link Love

1. The WordPress app occasionally has trouble with uploading posts when I’m on WiFi. I’ve learned to toggle it off when I’m ready to post and back on again. This weekend it decided to quit uploading anything entirely, regardless of my connection, which was quite the fitting cap to this awful week. Thankfully after an hour of fruitless troubleshooting, uninstalling and reinstalling the app did the trick. Could have been worse.

2. I couldn’t make my Monday therapy make up appointment between illness and stunningly bad news but thank goodness for my Saturday appointment because, well, awful week.

It’s been a hard week.


January 19, 2024

Good Things Friday (256) and Link Love

  1. My post-holidays recombobulation process continues apace. I pulled pictures for JB’s school project and that pushed me to pull pictures from the holidays to photoshop a group picture. That led to me downloading a couple pics for my cousin. THAT led me to finally downloading the majillion (42, actually) pictures from Smol Acrobat’s friend’s birthday party to share with his friend’s mom who says they can’t get their kid to smile for ANY pics. That kiddo beamed like the sun for me so these are precious.


January 12, 2024

Good Things Friday (255) and Link Love

1. I’m making incremental but mostly steady progress gathering stuff for donations: books the kids have outgrown or have duplicates of; hand me down Legos; collected puzzles that can go to a new home. These will ship out in a large box. 🎉

Actually, I should ship the books in a medium box or someone is going to throw out their back carrying it.


December 15, 2023

Good Things Friday (251) and Link Love

1. I finished the buying and “wrapping” of 21 presents. 3(?) More to go! Fabric bags, I am loving how using them speeds up the gifting prep. Also I love the “less trash” aspect of it.

Update: 24 gifts done, one more on the way! So many teacher cards to do now!

2. I had things together enough to remember to order some gifts for my furry niblings this year. Treats for everyone!


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