August 5, 2008
Tell me honestly, now, is it really weird that when I sustain a really fantastic-looking injury, I want to show people? I’ve got a newish 1 inch by 2 inch gash across the top of my foot from an altercation with an unfinished edge of a desk, and I had to fight the urge to snap a photo and share it. It’s mostly a morbid fascination that’s probably not shared by the world at large.
Also, my feet are now massive blisters from walking home in completely inappropriate sandals. They’re fine for kicking around, but not power-walking, I guess. Ow.
Votes: juvenile? or do you share cuts and bruises, too?
(seriously, I want to know if you think it’s weird, but don’t think I’m not secretly hoping you’ll all come out of the woodwork with stories to share.)
August 2, 2008
Whew, it’s been a week. Ok, it’s been two days in the office, but they were intense trying to catch up and make good on all the promises we made during the meetings. Ugh. It’s amazing how I still think I can get all caught up and started on the new deadlines in the same day. Have really got to learn that that’s not how the world works.
Finally managed to complete my Con post, with more to come on Monday.
Hoping to get a hair appointment today – have to be out of town the next two weekends and can’t be too embarrassingly shaggy. I get to wear the purple dress and new shoes for the first time!
Lots of other miscellaneous chores that involve running about town. Should get a move on now.
July 30, 2008
Have been home since this afternoon, it’s been eight days since I last sat here doing my bloggy thing.
Took me 3 hours to get caught up on bills, the payment and reconciling of, phone calls to straighten out erroneous charges I would not be paying, and organizing reimbursements. I promptly pooped out afterwards, skipping the “go to bank,” “sort and start laundry” and “go grocery shopping” portions of my to-do list.
Have TONS to do first thing in the morning at work. August will be an extremely challenging month. September will be, also, if I survive August, intact and employed. Magic eight ball says: Ask later.
Would like to:
1. Post pictures of puppy.
2. Post pictures of H&M find. (Yes. Guilty.)
3. Post Con update.
July 29, 2008
but why are there 4 H&M stores, aka the only stores with button down shirts that fit me perfectly sans alterations, within walking distance of my hotel? WHY??
July 28, 2008
What I AM doing, however, is avoiding my coworkers. My evil coworkers who have pointed out three H&M stores between this hotel and our meeting building and dinner locale since yesterday and insisted that we were going shopping this afternoon.
I can make much better use of my time and whatever money I saved from the SD trip by holing up in my room and using the free internet. Hah! And it’s a pretty nice room, too.
Back in my room after 9 hours of meeting, through a working breakfast and lunch. I had about half a day’s notice that this meeting was going to be centered around my area of expertise, at least for the first day, and given the amount of miscommunication and animosity surrounding the area, I was very concerned about how this would go. It went ok, though, considering.
Felt compelled to clean up work emails for the next hour and half since I’ve got some time before dinner, but it occurs to me that I’ve also got a week’s worth of personal finance and blogging, reading and commenting, and news to catch up on. I’ve not touched financial stuff for days and that makes me antsy. Also, my work email account is acting crazy and rejecting my password; I think it’s a sign to just do my own thing.
I almost don’t know where to start, so I’ve got about 7 windows open and the WSJ spread out on the desk in front of me.
Ah yes, and the retirement account balances have declined yet again. Not much change, then.
Am raring to complete an expense report for the San Diego trip, but not enough time. Have the feeling that this will be the state of affairs for at least a few more days.
July 16, 2008
I’m on check number 861. That’ll be the rent check, looks like. I had to refresh my checks today, and realized that I still have my very first check register from my very first checking account opened three days after my 18th birthday back in 2000. I’m almost positive that I only waited three days because my birthday was on a Friday and I couldn’t go to the bank until Monday. I was THAT excited to open my very own checking (and savings) accounts.
First transaction: Deposit, $200
First finance-related post it note to self: NO MORE PERSONAL SPENDING! (Even back then ….)
First purchase: Checks, $11.50 (These must have been the bank checks you get when you don’t know better, because on the last page of this register, one year later, I bought checks for $16.50. I’m still using checks from that purchase, 7.5 years later.)
Flipping through that register, I sure did keep meticulous records. They’re even highlighted in some color coding scheme that, I’m sure, meant something very particular back in the day. Have no clue what it means now. I also wrote a whole lot of checks for bills that weren’t my own. Hm.
This is probably going to stay on the protected list when I go through and discard all my old paperwork.