September 16, 2010

On the road AGAIN, it’s my Friday

This time we’re flying, thank goodness.  Not that our relationship didn’t weather the last two drives to Southern California, it’s just that PiC insists on doing the majority or all of the driving and that wipes him out spectacularly.

This is our first time trying a mega-discount airline (Allegiant Air) and I’ve got to say, I’m a little hesitant about this.  The “administrative fees” tacked onto the ticket had me seeing red when he first booked the tickets, so with that and the one flight per day frequency, I can’t say the deal was good enough to stoke my enthusiasm.  While I’m usually a no-frills traveler, this feels closer to riding the rails without any siding on the car.  We’re giving it a shot, a review will follow after the weekend if I’m so motivated by joy or rage.

Arrival at Oakland Airport doesn’t do much for the wary, adventuring spirit either.  Between the 1960s decor of Terminal 1, the nearly barren dining landscape and dim lighting reflecting off the extra shiny metal strips that sporadically covered an otherwise exposed ceiling strung with festive … wiring…  well, I’m just glad that I’m here with PiC, a working laptop, phone and plenty of electricity to charge up both pieces of tech.  Especially since PiC’s left to go wander about.  Perhaps he’ll discover something strange and wonderful and bring it back for me to pet.

(Maybe the free wifi will let me load Twitter so I can chitter chatter with my friendsy strangers online instead of the strangers I’m stuck at the gate with during this two hour minimum delay?) 

We’re visiting some friends this weekend, and we’ve got something lined up almost every weekend from here through the end of the year, whether I know what it is yet or not.  I asked PiC if we could simply have one month when we didn’t travel and he just laughed at me. *sigh*  Not this year.

At least we’ll have racked up 4 free roundtrip flights on Southwest after Chicago between flying and credit card rewards.  That’s gotta count for something.

August 20, 2010

The Blahs

Intellectual boredom and a steady trickle of cash

Unlike Q2, which was characterized by steady spending, punctuated with a steady stream of irregularly sized freelance income, Q3 remains unpunctuated by any additional income. It’s just all outflow and that makes me antsy.  Point of fact, this close to the fall and winter spending seasons, it makes me downright itchy.

Then too, everything is moving pretty normally in my finances and there’s nothing much for me to be done there, so that’s just boring.

Work is not so Zen because my six month review is pending and I intend to ask for a raise so I’m examining my list of accomplishments and performance. 

The combination is doing nothing good for my state of mind.

The usual pastimes, reading, writing, cooking, plotting new menus, planning travel, chattering with online buds, browsing deals or tinkering with my finances are seriously lacking in color and verve, I’m lacking spice and verve. Even hosting giveaways isn’t entertaining me much. 

Has the higher frequency of visits, company, friends in town, and going out inured me to the usual humdrum homebody life that I normally love?  Do you s’pose I’m singing the flu blues?  Or is it time for a really big shake-up?

And what kind of shake up should that be so as not to waste/spend money?

July 31, 2010

Getting my YouKnowWhat together

Hello dog days!

I’m sitting here wondering if this feeling of paddling like hell to Keep Up is just a phase or if this is Life.  And I’m pretty sure it’s just Life. It’s just easy to forget the important things, sometimes, and sometimes they’re all crowding out everything else. 

UP: Had a great time reconnecting with family and friends during Comic Con.  Missed the opportunity to meet up with fellow SD bloggers because we were so busy. Next year, I’m going to take a bit more time off so it’s a little more relaxed. I think I stayed within budget, roughly.

DOWN: For the past weeks, we’ve been worrying for our dear friends’ baby who has a very serious diagnosis.  It was touch and go whether the baby could breathe without assistance and every single “normal” step of taking care of a baby is slow, painful and requires expert medical aid.

UP: Though stressful & at the last minute, I finally got my paperwork out to roll over some last remaining retirement dollars from a previous employer into a new account at Vanguard. It’s a bit of a pain – the amount is just a bit less than $3000, and they were giving me guff about rolling over into a previously employer-sponsored plan so maybe I’ll roll the now-three employer sponsored plans into a single IRA.

DOWN: We launched a major change at work this week and while it went much more smoothly than expected, it still bred a TON of extra work.  Thusly, I won’t have time to do my monthly snapshot for today. And I’ll be working all weekend, I think.

UP: I decided that I wanted the free match at work, FWIW and got the paperwork in. Also added a DD peeling off a few hundred dollars into savings, anticipating stabilization of my spending. Or forcing a stabilization of spending.

There’s more but I gotta git!  I wish you all a very lovely Saturday and let’s catch up!

June 26, 2010


Everyone is still alive and well. 

This is how I know my parents are still eating regularly and out and about town even though I’m not right there to see it:

$239 of my $439 credit card balance is for gas and groceries at their favored markets and gas stations. 

Two dear friends (two separate couples) just let me know they’re expecting.  Both surprises, and they’re both really early in the first trimester which always makes me a tiny bit nervous when people announce that early. But I’m health-matters-shy so I keep my worries to myself and bid them Congratulations!

I’ve been MIA in friend circles for the most part so it’s nice to know life really does go on. 

I still haven’t determined the best commute method or schedule that’s most time and financially efficient.  I’ll just load a chunk of money onto my Commuter FSA, use that to fund a Clipper card for the bus that I’ve been paying out of pocket and have a fairly flexible way to pay for all kinds of SF transportation. I’ll use it eventually.

This week – I may have found my center.  My Zen. My professional bedrock.  Not once did I crumble in despair over people quitting (another one’s off to do cool things, good for that one!), the imminence of a major project, the stresses of getting my job done and done well.  The pressure is still ON ON ON but I’m now standing tall and moving through it. 

Heading out to a wedding reception in a few, then have PiC’s back-home friends in town this weekend.  Comic Con is coming up quickly and I have a small budget for to enjoy it with.  *squeeee*

’tis all for now, hope you’re having a fantastic weekend and see you soon!

June 18, 2010

Sometimes, or #StupidThingsIDo

Sometimes I see through an opening, but I don’t fit through it. #ow

Sometimes I do math really really wrong and get the right answer. #hm

Sometimes I do math really really right and get the wrong answer. #hmmm

Sometimes I forget what I’m going to say when I find the person I need to say it to. #eh?

Sometimes I would just quit and go home if it weren’t for Ctrl-Z. #sigh

Sometimes I forget to get off the train. (The one that started it all.) #!!!

Happy Friday!

April 17, 2010

Super Saturday

My first batch of homemade mango salsa, isn’t it pretty? I should have taken a picture of it when I jarred it up in the old salsa jar. That was gorgeous.

I find myself thinking about Versus Matches this morning. As in, “who would win between” or “which is better”?  Also about my feels-broken shoulder (it’s not) and how that’s gonna derail some of my super Saturday plans.

Extra marinate the BBQ pork [Done!] and cook it this afternoon (+4 hours of marinate time, 1 hr to cook)
Make chicken stock (30 mins prep, 4-6 hours of simmering)
Defrost and bake chicken thighs for next week’s dinners
Prepare ingredients for hot pot dinner (not sure it’s worth the clean-up after, not with this shoulder)

2 loads of laundry

Freelance gig (3 hours)
Off the cuff writing (1+ hour)

Bekins coughed up a refund check, to be deposited.
UI still owes me a check for the remaining weeks of March, resend claim form. [Done!]

Throwdown Topics, cast your votes (or add your own)! 
Roma tomatoes /// Hothouse tomatoes? 
100% whole wheat /// Double Fiber bread?
Reavers /// Two By Two, Hands of Blue?
Bank-run Bill Pay /// Account aggregator bill pay /// Service provider Bill Pay?
Headphones /// Ear buds? 
Paying less & ironing /// Paying more for no-iron? 
Firefox /// Chrome /// Opera?

The mango salsa recipe: 
1 ripe mango, diced
2 ripe tomatoes, diced (I use Roma) 
1/4 finely diced red onions (use a rougher chop if your onions aren’t lethally spicy) 
1/4 diced cucumber
4 cloves garlic, finely diced 
Juice of 3 limes; I’m convinced limes aren’t meant to give up their juice
dash of salt
The first batch was handmixed/tossed because I didn’t want to crush everything, but the ingredients are pretty sturdy.  Mixing with a spoon is just fine! 
It seems to last at least a week in the fridge, I made a second batch and it’s lasting longer and still tastes fresh.

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