By: Revanche

Weekly lunch round-up

May 16, 2008

Pretty disappointing week for someone who isn’t supposed to spend money on lunch.

Sunday: Groceries – eggs, OJ, brown rice, whole wheat pretzels, grapefruit. $9
Monday: Brought stew, but didn’t buy carbs at Trader Joe’s. šŸ™ I just can’t find a loaf of bread that doesn’t crumble there. Spent $1.50 on a bagel.
Tuesday: Leftovers, bought another bagel: $1.40
Wednesday: Went to the cafe but was thwarted. They had some jacked up “Visitor’s Cafe” because they were having a Grand Opening celebration for employees only, and I ended up paying way too much for a lump of lasagna and dollop of mixed veggies. $6
Thursday: Picked up a sandwich with a coworker (and asked for extra tomato slices: free!), and got gypped into paying for her sandwich too. $8
Friday: I’m eating my frozen pizza, dangit. I refuse to spend any more lunch money!

Also, I used up all of my cash šŸ™ See? See what happens when I keep cash in my wallet?

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