By: Revanche

July Snapshot

July 31, 2009

Retirement Savings

Roth IRA: $3,863
401(a): $8,760
403(b): $19,248
Total: $ 31,871 (28,946)

Emergency Savings

Catastrophe: $ 35,798
Problem Cushion: $ 1,000
Total: $ 36,798 (36,394)

Short Term Goals

Car Maintenance: $2,218
Insurance: $2,493
Travel/Con: $998
Taxes: $3,577
Moving: $3,980
Total: $ 13,266 (13,614)

Long Term Goals

House Down Payment: $102


TradeKing: $1,050
Prosper-ish Loan: $12,630
Personal Loan: $1,500
Savings Bond: $362 (current accrued value)
Total: $ 15,542 (15,492)

Total Assets

Illiquid: $31,871
Semi-Liquid: $15,542
Liquid: $36,798
Expense Acct: $7,986
Goals Savings: $13,266
Total: $ 105,463 (103,554)

Debt and Liabilities

AX: $175
Chase: $158
Citi: $441
Rent: $1,360
Total: $ 2,134 (1,550)

Net Worth

$ 103,329 (102,004)

Mysteriously, the NW creeps up. *quirked brow*

There was an inexplicable contribution to the retirement fund mid-July, but all my contributions should have ended the 3rd week of June. I find myself hoping there’s a mystery paycheck to go with that extra $400. No such luck, but the overtime money from May and June did come in while I was in NYC. Vanguard’s CS was stumped by the deposit as well, so we’re just going to ignore it, I don’t have the energy to track it down. Those two things account for the increase, despite the wild-eyed spending of this entire month.

Goals are still A) get a job, and failing that, B) stop spending so freely. But relax and have fun in the interim.

From here on out, I’ve only got modest travel plans since my routine revolves around networking and job hunting, with some time spent with friends I haven’t seen very much in the last five years.

Decompression and detoxing is hard work! But completely worth it. In the last four weeks, I’ve only gotten angry twice, don’t think I’ve ground my teeth once, am starting to sleep again, and my skin is vastly improved. My appetite, memory, navigational skills and sense of direction are all on the mend, too. Amazing! I should be freaking out over not having a job yet but I feel so much healthier that I’m just happy.

Long term spending: I have to plan to attend weddings in Australia and Greece in the next two years. Off the cuff estimates call for about $5000 in case I want (and can) make a real trip of each. I’ve already got my tickets for Comic Con 2010, too.

2 Responses to “July Snapshot”

  1. Money Funk says:

    There U go making me jealous again! Geesh!

    Best wishes in find a new job. šŸ™‚

  2. Revanche says:

    Money Funk: Silly Money Funk, no need to be jealous!

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