By: Revanche

Net Worth: March 2014

March 17, 2014


Hot hickory doolittle!

I’d decided to start with not sharing actual net worth numbers back in January and I didn’t want to admit it but some of that was shame-driven. I’d worked so hard to get to a respectable, almost-comfortable, net worth. To combine our assets and liability and come up at near enough to zero as I did? It was a little infuriating and a little worrying. And a little embarrassing.

What it should have been was confusing and a red flag to reexamine my math. Turns out I’m simply not as good at money math as I think I am, some days. (This is what fatigue brain will do to you, sometimes.)

I’d set up my spreadsheets to include the name of each financial institution, account, and amounts. Then I added them up by category. But! You know what happens when you don’t double check your equations? You leave out cells. Important cells. Cells that add to your net worth!

There was a whopping big difference.

Suddenly I want to dance a jig and share our Net Worth because I DO have something to show for the last decade+ of working. πŸ™‚

I’ll chew this over for a bit, but I’ll settle for percentages for now:

February: 3% increase
March: 11.7% increase

The big jump in March was that I finally deposited most of the wedding gifts, and PiC’s bonus came through. We usually opt to put most of it into the 401(k) so that we’ll be on track to max out his 401(k) again this year, for the second year in a row. HOORAY!

4 Responses to “Net Worth: March 2014”

  1. Nice mistake. πŸ˜‰
    Well Heeled Blog recently posted…I Used To Think I Need…My Profile

  2. Yeah, nice mistake πŸ™‚

    I do something similar in my sheets. Sometimes I forget a cell and think: WTF How did I .. oh wait.. yes.. I forgot to add A35 to the column.
    save. spend. splurge. recently posted…How American cities compare economically to major world nationsMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      It sure as hell makes me paranoid in case I make it go the other way and really let myself down, though πŸ™‚

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