By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Bedhead edition

October 10, 2014



September: I guess a lot of people missed this announcement.


Tax extenders: will Congress get their act together and do their jobs?  (I’m guessing no)

The Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, is full of shit.


Were you ever curious about what really led to Richard III’s death? I’m sure you were.

Decluttering is awesome.

A fantastic response to a sexist and punitive dress code.


Lest people think that this drought in CA is no big deal, there are people living in unincorporated areas with no water at all. I think that interactive map isn’t terrible useful though, in terms of data.

hattip to @clareyt: On the fence about having kids

I can’t quite fathom how people are so vehemently supportive of Paula Deen, especially with her new network, but this is a fascinating read.

Money Propeller’s Friday Jet Fuel

Breakfast with the horses from Serious Pony on Vimeo.

5 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Bedhead edition”

  1. Lauren says:

    I want to point out that Microsoft CEO issued this apology on the same day, which is something we really don’t see often from a CEO. From what I know of him he is actually a really nice guy and not your typical misogynist. Check it out here:
    Lauren recently posted…The Power of The PhaseMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I didn’t see that, thanks for sharing!

      Though, I’d like to stop seeing “we support equal pay and think everyone should have it” and start seeing “we support equal pay and you can tell because we’re doing it right now. This is how you can also do better.”

      • Lauren says:

        Completely. I’m not sure what microsoft’s track record is with pay (except that they generally over pay) but i think their hiring numbers and demos are public bc they are a public company. But last I heard they had like 30-something percent women. They also give a TON of maternity and have a lot of benefits for work/life balance.

        They are not saints in MANY ways, but I am so jealous of K’s perks and wish they were mine!!
        Lauren recently posted…Weekend-ingMy Profile

  2. NZ Muse says:

    Goodness, I simply can’t imagine what it’s like to not have enough water. Any end in sight for the drought?
    NZ Muse recently posted…Link love (Powered by burgers and mood swings)My Profile

    • Revanche says:

      None. We need more than one real winter for both the rain and the snow as a fair amount of our water supply comes from snowmelt. There hasn’t been either enough rain or snow, from what I’ve seen, so aquifers are being drained for the water and from what I can understand, those can’t be refilled once drained.

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