By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: cat+puppies edition

December 19, 2014



Good points about Jay-Z’s charity work. I don’t publicize my giving now, nor would I if I were that wealthy. The point is not self-aggrandizement.

On making unlimited vacation policies actually work. I honestly don’t think most companies actually care about how much their employees take under this policy as long as it works out to less than before. Which is why I made it a point to take mine. Even if it isn’t total disconnection, it’s still worth trying to take time.

Good resource on pregnancy and work for parents-to-be, hattip @mymoneyblog and @singlema.

I don’t often admit to (or have) jealous tendencies but I am jealous that the POPs get discounts for paying their property tax early!

eemusing says Inequality’s a bitch and it’s true. I see my friends in Hawaii experiencing this very same kind of economy.


Made my first steak using this recipe and it was fantastic.

The actual topic isn’t fun but Wendig’s take on Elf on the Shelf (the creepy buggers) is.


We finally got rain. As inconvenient as it is and as much as Seamus would like not to get wet, we need a few more of these, please.

My family and holidays? Yes, that’s a portal to angst alright.

Reading this transcript which isn’t really the first of its kind that I’ve seen makes me wonder how people can STILL suggest that cooperating with the police is all black people need to do to not be shot like animals in the street. Do tell me, how?

On the hatred of Amanda Palmer, by a once (and former?) critic. Interesting thoughts.

I was always aware of the venom and intensity that burst out around her and her opinions, peripherally, but ignoring all the other stuff, I very much liked the music she put out with the Dresden Dolls and on her Theatre is Evil CD and in one of those rare cases, who she is as a person/artist really doesn’t affect how I enjoy the art. I’m also not terribly invested in it, so maybe that makes the difference.

Then again, I hated a lot of the points of the critics that focused on things that would make me indignant in a million other ways: why she wouldn’t just rely on her husband’s money, or why she does this with her eyebrows, or why she’s loud, etc. There were some valid criticisms but these? These are just gross.

The most patient cat ever.

4 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: cat+puppies edition”

  1. Kris says:

    I am with you on the holidays and angst! Extended family – super-great fun. Immediate family? It’s my sister and I as a united front, in an episode of Survivor.

    • Revanche says:

      I rather envy you having a sister with whom to unite. I’m the sole bastion on my side, against the TrainWreck and Dad. Extended family is a bit of balm though, if they’re great.

  2. That is the most amazing cat…

    Okay, okay, hang onto your hat. This one will make you think your crazy brother is almost normal: Associate Editor reports that her useless father OD’ed on the living-room sofa during her young daughter’s birthday celebration! He actually contrived to shoot up, with “something he got in Mexico” (where the jerk lives), during a child’s birthday party. Had to be carted off in an ambulance. Says she: “This holiday season I am grateful that in spite of all of them I am a normal, functioning member of society.”

    Things could always be worse. I guess.
    Funny about Money recently posted…Half the day scrubbed…the rest on the way outMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Nah that doesn’t make me think he’s normal, just that he has more birds of a feather. I don’t doubt he would do similar.

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