By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: eat your veggies edition

January 20, 2015


I’ve been having a heck of a time making sure I incorporate enough fresh veggies in our diet lately so let this post serve as a rebuke and reminder!


We hate being nickel and dimed by airlines, aside from the increasingly unpleasant conditions, so I have to wonder why do people keep choosing to fly crappy airlines enough that they make the most profit?  I will never fly Allegiant again, I don’t care how much it could save, and I for darn sure won’t try Spirit Airlines, personally.

In the workplace, feedback and communication is key.

I wouldn’t put up with this crap socially, much less professionally!

I operate in burst of high productivity followed by periods of near uselessness” – YES.


THIS DOG. This is awesome.

Heh. Early ’90s reference.


Self worth. It’s important.

Thalidomide: being careful of what you take during pregnancy is a really good idea.

Why minimalism.

Boring is productive – I can get behind this.

Finding your people.

I keep wondering how the beavers freed themselves from the parachutes.

On (severe) pain.

GILES. I mean, Anthony Head.

This reads so much like an Onion article I’m still wondering if it’s true.

Hattip Katie for sharing this!

6 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: eat your veggies edition”

  1. SP says:

    Eat more veggies is one of my 2015 goals – I was hoping this post was going to tell me how to make that easier! Instead, just a rebuke. 🙂 Re-joining a CSA is my first step.

    Also working on getting more routines built into my days to reduce decision fatigue.

    I occasionally fly budget airlines. The thing is, “normal” airlines aren’t much better. This is less true if you live in a major city and have tons of competition and options. For my parents home town, I can choose delta, allegiant, and maybe american. Allegiant is crazy with the nickel & dime, but delta isn’t that much better. Planes are old on all the routes to smaller towns. Bring your own food & entertainment. So it depends on what your baseline is. I’d pay a little more for southwest or whatever, but not a lot.

    Allegiant doesn’t fly any routes I’m interested in any more. But people like my parents, they are used to these relatively crap airlines (delta), and allegiant offers a bargain way to get something not that much less. Allegiant (and maybe others) is profitable by flying out of these types of places, offering direct flights to vacation destinations.

    I flew spirit once, and it wasn’t bad. It was actually for work, and I didn’t even know it was a budget airline, and my coworkers were all “eww, spirit?!”

    • Revanche says:

      Ooops that was a self rebuke but if you’d like me to do something USEFUL I could give it a go 😉

      Very true about the baseline and serving smaller regions – that’s precisely why we flew allegiant the one time we tried them. I’d forgotten that the alternative would have added hours to our trip on either side.

  2. Man, I got totally hosed in a similar coworkers dinner out. We were all at the big annual convention and most everyone in the group had gotten to the sushi restaurant a good 20 minutes plus before I, my husband, and boss did. They of course all had appetizers and drinks. My husband and I didn’t and because I don’t actually like fish, I stuck to a cheaper noodle dish. Bill comes around and they’re all like “Let’s just split it evenly!” because it’ll get covered by the org. Yeah, unless you’re paying for a spouse. I think I ended up paying something like $40 or $50 over the cost of our meals just because I didn’t think I could fight it (I was pretty new). I never went out with them again.

  3. Emily says:

    I flew a super budget airline for a trip to Italy – the plane was old, there were no personal TVs for each passenger, and the food portions were tiny and gross. BUT tickets were only $685 round trip from NY to Italy! No other traditional airline could even come close.

    I agree though, if the cost difference is minimal, I try not to choose the super low-end budget airline. I do love Southwest for their no change fees policy. I try flying them whenever there is a direct flight available for the route I need.

    Jemily Life
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