By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: righteous cat rage edition

April 17, 2015



This is of interest: The Challenge of Being an Introverted CEO

This is also of interest: Leaving a job for family, but a dude is doing it

Kid spots price discrimination that looks like gender discrimination: The white male is always the default, and anything else, it’s like, you have to work for it.

TIME: Working mothers in the ’50s

HBR: Why do we choose to work weekends? (I’ve reflexively worked weekends for more than a decade. I actually have to remind myself not to.)

Why it’s bad:

“…repeated use of cognitive resources produces a decline in an individual’s self-regulatory capacity.

…In fact, depleting our cognitive resources can make it more difficult for us to follow our moral compass.”


Otter + otter

Ever had to deal with RSVPs? You might like this.

Things I’ve Learned About Heterosexual Female Desire From Decades Of Reading


Holy crap, bobcat!

Great video on perspective: Sometimes You’re a Caterpillar

Yoga: Stretch tight hips

Reminders of Buddhism reduce prejudice — even among Christians

Cat wins!

8 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: righteous cat rage edition”

  1. Evil Bat Witch says:

    All of these links are pretty cool, especially the ones with Introverted Max, who one year is saying he wants to get to know his employees, and the next is giving it up to go be with his family. I really liked the TIME article too, but in saying the mag never got the opinion of the wife, they forgot to go get… the opinion of the wife. again. I’ve worked weekends to catch up on grading papers, and gotten yelled at from HR who advised me it was illegal for me to not claim such working time. At the time, i was salaried, so i was getting paid anyway. Then, when i was hourly, I wasn’t given “approval” to work OT to get my grading done, so i just “forgot” to mention this. Some good links here:)

    • Revanche says:

      Good catch on the TIME article!
      I know labor laws are generally intended to support employees against abuses, especially here in CA, but there are times it’s onerous to comply!

  2. The article on working mothers was crazy. The cat video was gold. But really, the most amazing thing was that Things I learned about female desire piece. THAT is PERFECT.
    Mutant Supermodel recently posted…Autism Speaks MiamiMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I am so glad we didn’t have to fight those fights to get away from the norms of the ’50s but it’s so much more important that we preserve those hard won rights now!

  3. Karen says:

    The NPR article…disappointing that a woman helped develop the Tomb Raider ripoff game and still didn’t provide a female character as a default , wow Disney $30 for a character in-game?? And what’s the deal with not naming the company or game that named a character after Maddie?

    The female desire piece – that’s pretty much the opposite of desire for me LOL Loved the line at the bottom about the calm before the storm!!

    Should I admit that when I played Tomb Raider, I’d sometime bounce Lara off walls with her ridiculous ‘bosom’?

    • Revanche says:

      I know, it’s a darn shame that either it didn’t occur to them or that it simply wasn’t done, period.

      Hah I don’t know how one would have resisted! (Tomb Raider)

  4. Cats always win…

    Ahhh, the 1950s…so darn hard to be nostalgic about it. :-/

    LOL! During my seemingly endless lifetime, there have only been three things I’ve been absolutely ecstatic to see the last of through a rear-view mirror: Saudi Arabia; Long Beach, California; and the decade of the 1950s.
    Funny about Money recently posted…Spring Doldrums?My Profile

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