By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Marvel things edition

May 15, 2015



NZ Muse: Fundamental changes

I had a boss who pulled this crap. Then started rumors about me when he couldn’t get info out of me. I wish him many flat tires and insubordinate children.

How to make a better team

I say sue Wells Fargo’s butt off for doing this

Stage fright rebranding?


I finally got a chance to read through Issue 20 of Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye /”Hawkguy” and I’m super sad to find out it ends with Issue 22.

The scary ham. Would that I could write like this. Also, oh my heavens those monkeys have scary faces.


hattip to SaverSpender: On not raising your kid to be bilingual
An interesting view. Like I told SaverSpender, I loved growing up speaking my parents’ native language. Even when I was terrible at it and was teased occasionally, it connected me to my roots and a culture that I would otherwise find terribly alien. It gave me a sense of having something of my own, more than belonging.

I grew up in one of the Bottom 25 counties: how much growing up in a given county affects a child’s annual income as an adult

Starwood offered bedding to sleep on the floor as a solution to not having the booked room. Really?

Idiots break statue in Italy

6 Words: ‘My Name Is Jamaal … I’m White’

Six Words: ‘With Kids, I’m Dad. Alone, Thug’

Relieve your stress at a rui-katsu

Mark gets the sexist questions

7 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Marvel things edition”

  1. Doesn’t that sound just like Wells Fargo? Argh.

    On the language question: I would try to teach my kids both languages spoken in the home if there was any way to do it without making it feel like some kind of torture. That is, I would not send them off to language school, but I would sing songs in both languages from the git-go, tell them the names of things in both tongues, and be sure to teach them how to ask “What is that called?” in both languages. Teach the dog commands in the Asian language so the kid learns those words as a natural.

    Here’s the thing: Just because Americans are backward and provincial doesn’t mean we all have to be backward and provincial. In most European countries people grow up speaking more than one language — often several — and amazingly, it doesn’t warp their children’s psyches. To the contrary, research has shown that in people who have more than one language, the brain works differently and more efficiently. It rewires neural circuits and actually, one study I saw, improves cognitive function.

    Twenty-first century Americans will be citizens of the world. They should be able to navigate at least some parts of the planet in languages other than English.
    Funny about Money recently posted…DUCK!My Profile

    • Revanche says:

      It sounds far too much like the Wells Fargo I’m familiar with to believe their denials.

      Doesn’t make sense to me why a parent wouldn’t pass their language down to their kids, really.

  2. Emily says:

    I can’t relate to that article about being bilingual at all – I’m not clear why she only focuses on the negatives of being bilingual. Sure, it wasn’t always be easy but I never saw it as a negative ability. Knowing how to speak Chinese has helped me to communicate and get closer to extended family members. It’s helped me work with my Chinese coworkers and relate to them better. It’s helped me while travelling through certain parts of Asia. I’m sad that there are people who think being bilingual could possibly be a negative thing.
    Emily recently posted…The Little Blue BoxMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Agreed. The thing that stood out to me was that because her husband wasn’t good at it, they decided to take that as a sign that bilingualism is the problem. I’m not FLUENT in any of the other languages I speak but that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t have learned them at all. It just means there’s more work to do.

  3. Yetunde says:

    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading some of the articles from NPR’s race card project. The perspectives are so valuable

  4. I just saw the Avengers this weekend, and honestly I’m a little disappointed. Maybe it’s just that I’ve seen too many action movies (Batman, Captain America, Superman) that action and explosions are no longer appealing to me.
    Tony @ Inequality Today recently posted…3 Reasons Why This Bull Market in U.S. Stocks Isn’t OverMy Profile

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