By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: DJ Kitty Edition

June 5, 2015



“Companies that promote meritocracy may actually be causing more bias against women and POC employees”

Richard Branson on naysaying his mother

Exploiting poverty for entertainment

I like John Scalzi so I’m glad he’s signed a pretty awesome book deal. A commentary on the business side.

Wages needed to afford a 2 bdrm rental

Not impressed, Goldman Sachs & a culture where excessive overwork is expected and the norm


I can’t say much for the commenter who think all non-guide dogs don’t belong but at least this list of dog-friendly places is useful


Real empathy is sometimes not insisting that it will be okay but acknowledging that it is not” – This choked me up. Every single person who says “It’ll be ok” when trying to comfort someone in terrible pain or grieving, please stop.

Kelly Whalen shares important thoughts on depression

I would appreciate this rule allowing remote access hacking by LE to NOT go through thank you very much

Pregnancy & depression. I don’t feel good putting it under “interesting” because it’s sad.

Oklahoma House tries to make marriage about Christian faith and remove the option of secular marriage licenses.

DJ Kitty

6 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: DJ Kitty Edition”

  1. Karen says:

    Poor kitty! He’s pretty mellow about the puppeteering. Maybe a big dose of catnip. lol

    • Revanche says:

      I did wonder how he was so laidback about it. I laughed because I make LB do dance party a lot solely for my amusement. Ze doesn’t mind but we both know it’s for me.

      • Karen says:

        Oh I make my dog dance, too. šŸ™‚ I’m also mean at laugh at her when she runs from the dust mop. The one I really need because of her fur!

  2. Jessica (tc) says:

    As someone who grew up in one such “hardworking, middle-class family” (ha.), I saw a preview for that CBS show and immediately felt sick. I turned to my husband and just verbally started spewing everything I was thinking, because I was so overcome with the weight of that decision (what would I do with that $101,000 if it were the family I grew up in and and another family that was just as bad off?), and it isn’t even something I will ever have to truly consider. Just the idea of needing that much money so badly, so very badly, and having to make that kind of decision made me want to throw up, because it’s a terrible idea to put someone through that. Either give these people that money or don’t, but don’t make their literal need for the money and their belief that someone else needs it just as much (or more) a television show for people to watch and be entertained by. It’s not entertaining. The idea immediately put me on edge, because the weight of that kind of decision when you are in such need yourself? It’s crushing, and it’s inhumane to put someone through it needlessly. (Sorry for the passion here, but I just…why was this green-lighted? It’s a terrible, terrible idea. It’s cruel.)

    (I just watched the kitty video again. It helps calm me down somewhat, but I’m still angry that this is the state of television and entertainment in the U.S. That cat is pretty darn dispassionate about being hoisted around like a puppet, so I think I need to put myself into a more cat-like state of being for a while…)

    • Revanche says:

      Hah being more catlike isn’t USUALLY the way to Zen but I’m glad that I chose that video for this week because I agree – what is WRONG with people that this is ok. They’re trying the same sort of show in the UK too. Ugh.

      • Jessica (tc) says:

        Ha! That’s so true! Our kitty isn’t the least Zen (although right now she’s half asleep, so she’s at least calm and not freaking out about something).

        I’m even more sad that not only did one group think it was a good idea, but now others are thinking it’s a good enough idea to spread around the world. Ick.

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