By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: My queendom for health points Edition

July 30, 2015


It’s been a rough week. I’m lying in bed trying to rest up, listening to our Inchworm creep around in hir crib “talking”, having just woken up from a nap. It’s noon and I’m sick. Ugh. As if I wasn’t tired enough just being me, I had to venture out of the house and catch some horribly inconvenient germs. Still, I am vaguely grateful that ze had a nap and a real one, not one of those 7-minute gotchas.


Grace Hopper

Does the Pope actually have to worry about approval ratings? Because that’s weird.

I can’t shake the feeling that while prison labor may have the benefit of reducing recidivism and teaching good work habits, it’s rife for abuse and is exploitative.

Sensible things about work life balance

Hiring a nanny seems like a no brainer to me so I’m glad we budgeted early for one. Now, we just need to FIND one.

Roths and Roth IRAs: Y/N

Restorative narrative: reporting on trauma


Aggressive gendering

A neat wearable for girls (hat tip Cloud)


Ignore warnings and safety guidelines at your peril, sightseers.

If all lives truly mattered I don’t think our society would look and act like it does.


4 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: My queendom for health points Edition”

  1. OFG says:

    As a former software engineer I love the idea of bracelets that introduce children to coding.

    • Revanche says:

      I think the concept is near but I’ll admit to worrying about whether it’s another way for kids to isolate each other. I suppose they find ways to do that no matter what.

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