By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Heatwave Edition

August 6, 2015


Good thing I think all money and professional things are fun as it’s been too hot to think or find any Fun links. It’s in the 80s and 90s here this week, thank goodness Linda warned me or we’d have been caught out. As it is, with the old fan and our new fan on full blast, we’re still just on this side of Melting.


Reading all I can about starting my own business. The Frugal Model’s push. TFM’s link to The Martha Rules.

I didn’t realize that dinner making was THIS much of a business. I’m awfully glad that I’ve learned to love cooking for our family. (I share my recipes, too!)

Ignoring is worse than bullying? A small part of me feels a little vindicated to hear that. I completely ignored the bully at a previous job who went out of his way to manufacture evidence against me and created gossip intended to get me fired. Not only did it discredit him, and not only did he come under investigation for being so malicious at work, it didn’t harm me in the end. Hah.  I hope being ignored stung.

I couldn’t live like a Mennonite but I admire them.

Ask Moxie on Reddit’s failure

Ask Moxie on Imposter Syndrome.

Have presence

Don’t let insurance companies mess you over.


‘Golden’ daughter’s fall – this story really chapped my ass. Granted, no, that wasn’t awesome parenting but they were doing the best they could for her, the best way they knew how. It still sucked, sure, but at some point, you’re an adult. If you hated the restrictions so much, then get yourself a job and MOVE OUT. We live in a time and a world where we really DO have those choices. Our parents’ generation didn’t but we do. Instead, you have time for a boyfriend and to plot this? No. This story doesn’t resonate even an ounce with me.

We’re working on it. Useful mindset.

I don’t hate guns, but I absolutely agree with this piece. The price of the gun lobby’s hold over America is far far too high.

Young women should be taught self defense, absolutely, but I take issue with this view: “We live in a world where approximately one out of every four girls is going to be attacked or sexually assaulted by the time she is 18. We want to drive home the point that it doesn’t have to happen to you,” said Smith.

It shouldn’t happen to you because we should severely punish perpetrators, not because you weren’t strong enough to fight back. I am so sick of the way we fail to deal with this problem. At least half the women I know have been molested, assaulted, or in some way violated by men and we’re still supposed to pretend that it’s not a sick culture that allows this to keep happening.

Racial politics in grocery stores

Ask Moxie guest post: A stepdad

2 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Heatwave Edition”

  1. Linda says:

    This isn’t how I expected Bay Area summers to be. I’m glad it cools off at night, though.

    One of my friends loves Blue Apron and keeps offering me freebies. For me it wouldn’t be much of a savings since I eat pretty simply at home and have no issues with cooking, either. She has made a good point about how they provide just enough spices and seasonings for the dishes, but not so much that you end up wasting any. As a single person, I get her point. Most seasonings and sauces come in sizes too large for me to finish while they maintain optimum freshness, unless I use them every single day (and I don’t). Still, I’m OK with not spending as much on food delivery and just picking stuff up here and there. I keep a lot of protein (chicken, fish, etc.) in the freezer and buy fresh veggies as needed. Works for me!
    Linda recently posted…Crazy times with momMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Yes, thank goodness for the evening cooloff or we’d be in real trouble over here.

      I felt the same about Blue Apron. We did a free trial but it was a startling amount of packaging and work for the money. I know what you mean about spices, even with 2.5 of us we’re not using them as much and as frequently as we’d need to for them to be used fresh.

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