By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Wee Corgi edition

October 1, 2015



Wealth, culturally speaking. I also see a lot of these attitudes about money and defining wealth is driven by fear.

September was life insurance month but my take on it may not be the popular opinion.

How we cleared a bunch of stuff before LB’s arrival: Craigslist!

Consignment shopping: buying used seems like a great way to keep your costs down, unless you can’t resist buying a whole lot. Anyone else out there do this? I only shopped consignment a few times because of my funny size.

Pay off a mortgage in 3.5 years? I managed this with a car loan a decade ago but I don’t think I could swing it for our mortgage.


Holy shit Ta-Nehisi Coates writing the Black Panther – that will be awesome.

We were Dilberted by Volkswagen.


“Scientific” racism is coming back? Guys, did we learn nothing from the Third Reich?

This Peeple app sounds like an awful thing and I hope it dies a quick death. “Peeple is indicative of a sort of technology that values “the information content of the web over individuals;” it’s so obsessed with the perceived magic of crowd-sourced data that it fails to see the harms to ordinary people.”

A heartwrenching account of anti Semitism and microaggressions.

Men Going Their Own Way: I’m torn between “what enormous babies” and “go on and keep on going.”  The fact that the very idea that women might be treated as equal citizens to men makes them flip out and decide they have to cut women out of their lives? Oh you mean it’s not ok to treat women as second class citizens? Well gee golly gosh, that sounds awful, doesn’t it! Treating people with respect, equally? SO TERRIBLE.

5 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Wee Corgi edition”

  1. Leigh says:

    I was on track to pay off my mortgage in 3.5 years. But then I took two months off unpaid, increased my cash reserves from 6 months to 12 months, set aside enough to pay for my entire Master’s degree in cash, and gained access to a huge chunk of more retirement savings room at work. I’ve come to terms with this since my mortgage rate is only 2.5% and it’ll still be paid off relatively early – somewhere around 5-6 years. Who knows, we might decide to move before I pay it off or for my boyfriend to buy in and then we’d take out a bigger mortgage. Plenty more life can still happen in the next 2-3 years.
    Leigh recently posted…Reader SurveyMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Those are all awesome alternatives to payoff and your rate’s pretty awesome too! I’m motivated to tackle ours earlier because our rate stinks to high heaven.

  2. Baby corgi.. OMG.. I actually pet Baby Bun in the same manner when he’s sleeping or napping. 🙂

    Thanks for the link love
    sherry @ save. spend. splurge. recently posted…Money can’t buy you happiness nor a successful, meaningful life.My Profile

  3. SherryH says:

    Hee! I really need to avoid link lists. I spend waaay too much time following them.

    I’ve shopped consignment shops, but never had the opportunity to hit a consignment sale. Scored some nice items for $1 when they were on final markdown. But like thrift sotres, you have to really shop them.

    Read the Craigslist post and forwarded it to my other half. Your blog is giving me all kinds of ideas… 🙂

    The “People” app…shyeah. I see no way anyone on the internet is going to abuse this in any way ever.

    MGTOW – are they still at it? Good grief!
    SherryH recently posted…Friday Funny: The Octopus JigMy Profile

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