By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Happy (hamster) Thanksgiving edition

November 26, 2015


Do you have a used baby carrier that could use a good home? Consider donating it to Syrian refugees. As a child of former refugees, I keenly feel the plight of these parents trying to survive and keep their families safe.


A $15,ooo bridesmaid dress? I’d probably save you the trouble of disowning me as a friend if you insisted on that and then said my inability to pay that kind of money for a DRESS reflected on the friendship. Cut your losses, I say, this person’s off the deep end.

It’s so easy to tell someone to bootstrap their way up and that education is the answer. This story gets at the heart of the struggle when you go to college and you’re not from that world.

Brand names don’t guarantee quality but if you’re going to spend money on clothes, why not spend on something well made?


Talented crafty friend Maryam sews for her daughter

If I hadn’t already spent most of my annual allowance on other people, I’d get myself this and this.

This spooked me AND pushed me to write up some of our spooky stories.


This study on the smell of newborns is mildly interesting but I’d like to see a much larger sample size that includes father and non father males.

Getting spam texts? We do. Report them to the FCC. It’ll take 10 minutes, probably, but it’s satisfying to think that maybe they’ll get in trouble.

Happy Thanksgiving!

7 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Happy (hamster) Thanksgiving edition”

  1. Karen says:

    Ha! I’ve been planning on the Weekend is booked t-shirt. The one that says, If I can’t take my book, I’m not going is one for my niece (I love buying her books).

    Thanks for the info on the spam texts! I’m always been invited to raves lol

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Revanche says:

      Excellent picks šŸ™‚

      Raves? Now you’ve got me curious. I wonder if people actually respond to those texts?

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Linda says:

    Oooo! That spooky story was pretty cool! I have some ghostly encounter stories of my own, but I don’t think I’ve ever written them down. How awesome to have graphics attached to the story, too!
    Linda recently posted…Field Notes: Wine Tourism Conference 2015My Profile

  3. Stephanie says:

    I saw that post about the $15k bridesmaid dress. WTH?!?! I’m pretty sure that’s more than the cost of my whole wedding. I didn’t mind spending money on a dress and shoes for my friends’ wedding, but it was maybe a few hundred dollars total. None of this THOUSANDS of dollars to show my love and support. Nope.

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