By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Bears will be bears edition

December 10, 2015



An interesting charity idea: Gifts from Incarcerated Moms to their Kids

I love this model of high school. For me, this would have been awful because in my early teens I had zero creativity but maybe that’s flawed hindsight and this model would have been great at bringing out my organizational talents.

Great tips on negotiating salary

My beloved SPG card will likely be going away due to the Marriott merger. *sniff* For $70-100/year, I could redeem for anywhere between $200-1000 worth of hotel stay. I’m going to miss you, SPG.


New Zealand bans trolling and I’d be ok if we could figure out a way to do this in a productive way. How is this fun? Thwarting trolls is fun. Internet trolls are terrible. They should be thwarted.

We’re not having a Christmas tree this year for (stupid) perfectly reasonable reasons. (Reason number one: Our child would eat the damn tree.) I’d say I don’t know why I care except I do – Christmas represents to me all the missed opportunities for my parents to take a break and be with us for just one night, to relax. They couldn’t. Ever. So from very early on, Christmas didn’t happen in my house and it always made me sad. So forevermore I will always want a little bit of Christmas in my home. Next year, though, I want to have this tree (the kid’s one, not the fancy silver one).


Matt May on American Values. If I haven’t made it abundantly clear, I find the widespread American stance against taking in Syrian refugees unbelievably disappointing and it makes me wonder what kind of fellow citizens I’m living among. Refugees are trying to escape horrific circumstances and dozens of governors who may never have known a moment of uncertainty in their lives are ever so proudly standing up to say that if it were up to them, they’d deny safety to women and children fleeing the very terrorism we say we’re against. I’m against YOU, governors. All of you. And yes, I’m biased, I’m a refugee’s kid and I’ll never forget that my parents were once counted among the nameless, faceless “hordes” trying to flee religious / political persecution.

I hear that it’s cheaper & easier to ship your luggage than to check it. True/false?

Thank you notes and when your celebration overlaps with a grief-event. I have this issue with both my birthday AND a major anniversary. It’s taken a long time to feel like I might be able to honor their memories and still feel happy around those dates.

On international adoptions and thinking about your words: people ought to consider their words more.

Revealing Jack the Ripper’s identity: I don’t know why I continue to read about serial killers when it’s creepy.

It’ll only eat 1 in 5

4 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Bears will be bears edition”

  1. Mine would wake up in the middle of the night, run squealing out into the living room and try to tackle the tree multiple times..

    Read this for a laugh.
    sherry @ save. spend. splurge. recently posted…Style Shopper: Dressing Room Reviews of Banana Republic Autumn 2015 Offerings (Metallic Tweed!)My Profile

  2. N.Z. makes trolling illegal? Whaaat?

    I ask you, what fun will it be to cruise the Internet if you can’t find the insulting, demeaning, obscene, harassing, and false comments? I mean…boooooring!

    We were just sitting here listening to an old broadcast of War of the Worlds and thought this was some similar sci-fi imagining. Eeek!
    Funny about Money recently posted…Is Costco “Amazon-proof”?My Profile

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