By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Adele v Adele edition

December 17, 2015



I often like to ask myself: Am I the problem?

A small petty part of me wishes to be asked “why did you leave [3 jobs ago] that job?” Because Harvard Business Review says not to work with assholes. Besides, I was the star performer. Hah.

Staying at AirBNB can be cheaper than a hotel in most cases but sometimes the price is way too high to pay

I love that Jenny Lawson’s book, Furiously Happy, is selling well and she was covered in the Wall Street Journal! Not the venue I would have expected to see it in. I can’t wait til it’s out in paperback or hits my library.


Breakfast around the world

More reasons to keep adding books to our home


Oh no, bananas!

How do you do with ambiguity? This former FBI negotiator thinks that being comfortable with it is beneficial. I scored as a Moderate Mabel: You have a moderate need for closure. What determines your attitude toward uncertainty is less your natural predisposition than the circumstances you’re in. While most of the time you manage ambiguity reasonably well, under stress your feelings of uncertainty make you anxious and you become less exploratory.

Pro tip: Consider gauging your emotions and other specific factors that might be increasing your need for closure before making a big decision.

Ever wondered who your cabbie was talking to? This Vice writer asked.

“Anything you do to increase the self consciousness of your teenage daughter makes you a bad mother, I think”. Substitute “careless parent” for “bad mother”, for one thing. I’m not a fan of assuming that only mothers parent, here. My parents had a nearly equal hand in shaping my self esteem and self confidence. And for another – how amazingly easy is it to say things that reinforce an unhealthy culture that focuses so much on looks and “beauty”.

Study Suggests Parents May Pass Down More Than Just Genes


I don’t follow popular music much so didn’t recognize the name Adele, and I’m not much for reality tv pranking, but this was cute

6 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Adele v Adele edition”

  1. I want those breakfasts but you can leave the natto out of my dish, kthxbye.

    sherry @ save. spend. splurge. recently posted…What do you think about during your time off?My Profile

  2. NZ Muse says:

    Been thinking a lot about ambiguity lately. Never been any good with it in my personal life (tolerable at work). Taking steps to reduce it where possible, and accepting it where I must.

    Closure addict here, according to the quiz.
    NZ Muse recently posted…The intersection of capability and circumstance (in personal finance)My Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I suspect the “accepting it where I must” has played a part in my being defined more as a moderate than once would have been. Ambiguity’s still uncomfortable.

  3. Feeny says:

    “Anything you do to increase the self consciousness of your teenage daughter makes you a bad mother, I think”. Substitute “careless parent” for “bad mother”, for one thing. I’m not a fan of assuming that only mothers parent, here.

    This is interesting. My mother didn’t play a part in my self consciousness, I would say. My father did, but only inadvertently and when it came to my athleticism (i.e. he told me once that I could probably run faster if I lost weight). It was never malicious, I don’t think he even knew what he was saying until I ran to my mom and she brought it up to him.

    I think when we generalize like this we put even more uneven pressure on moms to always be perfect.

  4. […] than Revanche’s always amazing round-ups, that is! Last September, as you’ll recall, I canceled delivery of the New York Times‘s […]

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