By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: honey badger Houdini edition

February 4, 2016



About the book publishing process

Jamaila on developing an authorial presence

This article argues that the best time to excel is in the morning. While I do love having a long way until noon on my early days, and I get a lot done, I save the work that requires the most willpower and focus for last in my day because that’s when I’ve always performed best on those tasks.

Academia and the myriad ways the hiring practices suck

More and more reasons to have savings

How about let’s make money on Valentine’s Day instead of spending it!


Kelly on neutrals: I love neutrals!

I love fresh-baked bread. Thanks to Linda for the recipe link!

It could be worse. We could be in Gondor.

Why you remember ships and droids from Star Wars


Spiritual molestation at Chik-Fil-A. There are actually some good comments: Gotta agree with Karen. You shouldn’t make prayer a required payment for the basic necessities of living. That’s not how people should come to faith—the horse dragged to water. A better, more Christ-like thing would be to give him the food and then ask if he would like to pray with them. Show the compassion of your faith, and then leave the door open.

I’m not prone to drinking excessively but honestly, skipping alcohol for the entirety of pregnancy wasn’t hard in light of even the slightest possibility of fetal alcohol syndrome. (again, we’re talking about my luck with medical history, it’s hardly a gamble when anything that can go wrong does) Plus it didn’t play well with my system anyway.

The Bronze Age Egtved Girl

Everything I read about the Zika virus’s spread is pretty alarming

How to learn about things on Twitter

Kansas Senate Imposes Strict Dress Code for Women: Sen. Mitch Holmes’ 11-point code of conduct does not include any restrictions on men, who he said needed no instruction on how to look professional, The Topeka Capital-Journal reported. I guess the Senator thinks men are all so weak and distractable that the onus is once again put on women to spare the poor men from having to focus and be professional themselves.

How can humans be so horrible and cruel as to let their dog get this filthy, matted, and even freeze to death? Every time I have a bit of hope for us, I see stuff like this.

Escape artist

3 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: honey badger Houdini edition”

  1. Cassie says:

    That Egtved Girl article was quite interesting! I went to the National Museum while I was in Copenhagen in October, and spent quite a while viewing these type of remains and reading about them. I believe the actual Egtved Girl was at the university at the time, but they have lots of similar remains at the museum as well. Thanks for the link 🙂
    Cassie recently posted…Wardrobe Clean Out – Maternity EditionMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      How cool! I didn’t know much about her but love that my friends have such varied interests so I can learn from them 🙂

  2. Knox Vlogs says:

    That honey badger is clever!

    In the article about morning rituals, they mention a book called “Willpower: The Greatest Human Strength.” I just finished it, and it’s a really good read for anyone interested in the subject. It’s very study-heavy (which I appreciate because I’d enjoy reading about the science that backs up the argument).

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