By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: owl edition

March 10, 2016



Ever wonder why you dwell on your mistakes or negative feedback so much more than the good stuff? “It’s a survival instinct to watch out for the bad things more than the good ones.  If you live in a forest with a scary bear and a bunch of delicious berries, you need to keep that scary bear on your mind all the time.”


Penguin on a treadmill

Penguin + best buddy: penguin swims estimated 5000 miles a year to spend months with the man who saved his life.

This is the rope: a new book written by Jacqueline Woodson, published by M.R. Nelson Children’s Books

Misty Copeland recreates art


Some useful tips on traveling with small kids. Relevant to my current interests!

I really hope Apple doesn’t give in to the FBI because the privacy issues are rife and I would have to dial back my phone use to standard calls only if our data is made more insecure. One reporter experiences this firsthand.

We studied Shakespeare in high school and college but it really IS meant to be seen, not read. Angela Bassett Performs A Monologue From Macbeth

Owls always seem stern

10 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: owl edition”

  1. The Roamer says:

    Thank you so much for the link love!

    And what a great point about how our old survival instincts make us focus on negative stuff.
    The Roamer recently posted…401k Rollover, The FearMy Profile

  2. Oh interesting point about the survival instinct, makes total sense! Kind of a grim way to look at things, though. But I guess I can see how that plays out in workplaces, even. You are more concerned about the times you mess up because it could provide a reason for you to lose your job, not get a promotion, etc., while the good things are almost “expected” and not as big of a deal as the bad things. If that makes sense?
    DC @ Young Adult Money recently posted…Saving Money as a Single WomanMy Profile

  3. Abigail says:

    And just like that, my dream of a pet penguin is renewed. Apparently, I don’t even need to keep a tub full of ice. Now I just need someone to steal one for me. You’re good with animals, right?
    Abigail recently posted…How I’m travel hacking FinCon (and you should too!)My Profile

    • Revanche says:

      They’re affectionate! And they have a great sense of direction! Before I commit to anything in writing, is a penguin heist HIGHLY illegal?

      • Abigail says:

        Well, they’re not owned by anyone, right? And they’re low to the ground, so I think it’s neither high nor illegal.

        That’s what I’ll tell the judge anyway. While cuddling my adorable adorable penguin.
        Abigail recently posted…Get free 40 Swagbucks!My Profile

  4. Oh, wow that is crazy interesting about the bear and berries. I love explanations like that because they help me hurdle those mental obstacles.

    Also, I absolutely hated Shakespeare until I had a professor that graded us on analysis of performance, not text. Such a different experience! She had its read scripts of Seinfeld episodes to demonstrate how different something can be on the page versus performance. Really eye opening!
    FF @ Femme Frugality recently posted…Digital Eyestrain? Block the Blue Light.My Profile

  5. Untemplater says:

    That penguin who swims each year to see the man that saved his life is unbelievable. So sweet!! I watched a video the other day about a small group of scientists who stumbled upon a humpback whale tangled in a fishing net. They only had one small knife on board but managed to save her life after working together to free her from the net. Once she got free she was so happy she was splashing around in the water for an hour and gave the most unbelievable show of gratitude.
    Untemplater recently posted…Layoffs Are Coming – Will You Get A Severance Package?My Profile

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