By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Deadpool&Wolvie edition

March 17, 2016

Link Love: Deadpool interviews Wolverine editionCAREER + MONEY THINGS

Kelly Sue and Five Steps to Becoming a Professional Discomfort Provider: Doing the right thing is not a passive act. You do not get to be a good guy just because you figure you’re not a bad guy, you follow? I am not a mutant, not a superhero. I hate being uncomfortable, I hate it every time, but I am better for it, my work is better for it, and if I had to boil my job down as an artist to define exactly what it is that I am paid to do, it would probably be this, to be uncomfortable and to make you uncomfortable too.

Awesomely Luvvie’s way to set goals I can get behind

One reason I want to raise LB not knowing we have money for things like all the latest fashion and crap. I watched Trainwreck Sibling going to private school with the rich kids and his trying to keep up with the Richie Riches was just as bad for him as if he’d gone to public school, I suspect.

Financial advice for single women is actually important advice for all women. You can’t bank on the stability of a partnership forever.

UAL’s board seems to be going down in flames and I’m massively regretting booking one of our flights this year with them. Cross your fingers for us!


Henry Cavill asks kids: Batman or Superman?

A story

Word to the wise: don’t mess with Ms. Flossie. She didn’t reach 110 years by accident


Cloud touches on many of my thoughts here.

No one died in a plane crash in 2015

HOW is this ok? Bear in mind, being charged with a crime does not mean you’re guilty: The U.S. Constitution guarantees an attorney to anyone charged with committing a crime. In South Dakota, that right comes at a price of $92 an hour.

Common Sense Media has a new rating tool that evaluates content based on desirable character attributes for the stars of kids’ movies and shows. Neat.

For International Women’s Day, Richard Branson explores women’s rights and equality. Feels a bit like he’s walked the earth all these years not knowing anything about the challenges women face, and maybe he has, but better late to the party than never at all.

Deadpool interviews Wolverine

2 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Deadpool&Wolvie edition”

  1. For that bullying mean girl article, the only thing I don’t love is that she had to give up her designer clothes and things in an attempt to show that style and appearance doesn’t matter… when it actually does. It is one thing to move to a small town to get a new perspective but you can also be stylish, etc.. without being a mean girl. At least, I’d like to think so. I was bullied my whole life and I would never be a bully myself, but I don’t need to dress in flannel to prove that.

    • Revanche says:

      I agree that you don’t have to be frumpy to not be a mean girl but I also think a kid shouldn’t be wearing designer clothes. A kid can wear neat and relatively stylish clothes but designer clothes on any child is too much. And I’m not sure when kids can grasp the nuance that style and appearance matter in certain ways but they should not be the measure by which you judge people. Except you will be judged by them. It’s all so frustrating.

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