By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: kitten scoots edition

April 14, 2016


9-year-old catching flak for reporting on a murder in her town. You know what? I hate that a murder happened and that this kind of thing happens where a 9-year-old can investigate it but even as a parent, I have no problem or unease with her being a reporter doing a relatively decent job of investigating and gathering facts about crime that happens in the town she lives in. You want this to stop? Consider doing something about crime, not the person who’s taken an interest and reports it just because she’s “cute” and young. Cute doesn’t preclude competence or maturity or ability and this young reporter shouldn’t be shot down on the basis of her age. You think kids her age the world over aren’t being exposed to horrific crimes every day? That she shouldn’t be allowed to make the choice even though her parents, the actual guardians and adults who are responsible for her, have set an example for her and are clearly in the picture? Seems to me that some people just want to complain about youth these days no matter what they’re doing.

The business side of Hamilton

A useful guide to not pestering people by email

Avoid toxic pessimists, possibly make more money

Crystal’s also on the car hunt

Worst advice to a make-up wary PF blogger: buy luxury beauty on the cheap. Of course, if you can’t afford Louboutin’s classic shoe, “save” by picking the $50 nail polish by the same name instead! Because it’s totally the same thing, as long as you get the brand name in there. $50 nail polish. Just so you can say you bought that brand name? Because anyone can TELL what the hell bottle your nail polish came out of. I posit that for $50, it must come with a hologram of CD’s logo hovering over your nails all the time. Don’t get me wrong – if you love this stuff because it’s great quality and your favorite color and you can afford it? Have at it.


Beautiful Malinois + owl (hattip @civilwarebore)

What a good girl! Fetched a whole tree! Hattip @ashleyserena


I wish we lived in a world where strangers didn’t require “STEER CLEAR” signals but Taylor’s Bible guy definitely set off one or two Caution lights.

Fantastic advice for fathers with daughters, and for parents with children, period

Nicole and Maggie asked if posts that are emotionally raw more honest? From my own writing POV, I don’t think so. I write honestly, period. Sometimes that’s really raw and dramatic (hi, 2012). Sometimes it’s really boring and happy (hi, now, mostly.) A commenter once said she read this blog for the “drama” which struck me as weird. For the most part, I try to write with consideration for others so it wouldn’t be completely humiliating all around if I was ever outed and obviously guard LB’s privacy fiercely because ze cannot speak for hirself or consent to being “shared” the way PiC can. Your thoughts?

A comic about how to deal with online harassment (for download)

How IP mapping imprecision has created nightmares for some

Where’s the cat?

8 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: kitten scoots edition”

  1. The people criticizing that 9-year-old incense me. They are worried about all the wrong things. And I think the odds are quite good that if that 9-year-old were a boy, they’d be praising his initiative.
    Tragic Sandwich recently posted…Six Years OldMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      That’s exactly what I think – a little boy would have been praised for bravery and being motivated. Humph.

  2. Thanks for the link!
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…Where do I get my research ideas?My Profile

  3. I recently discovered makeup dupe sites exist. So the next time I fall in love with an expensive makeup shade, I’m going to those to find a more affordable version of the same color.
    Abigail @ipickuppennies recently posted…March recap: Good news/bad newsMy Profile

  4. Right on about the 9-year-old! The snarky criticism of that enterprising kid made sooo mad!

    Grump! “Luxury beauty.” Give me a proverbial break. Did you know that many drugstore brands are actually the same as the pricey stuff in department and specialty stores, tricked out in more generic-looking packaging under different brand names? L’Oreal is Lancome, for example. The stuff is all the same, anyway!
    Funny about Money recently posted…Knocking Off…or NotMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I remember reading an article about the different tiered brands that are exactly the same thing. Also I remember reading that men’s products may also be the same and are even cheaper! RUDE.

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