By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Good-bye, Prince, edition

April 28, 2016


When you have a second identity for your career, it can raise interesting questions about the integrity involved in living two lives. hattip Jaydot Sloane

I don’t follow celebrities, or watch many movies anymore, so I hadn’t realized how well Melissa McCarthy has done in the movie business lately. It’s not a surprise at all that critics don’t want to fully embrace her, though, I’m confident in saying it has a lot to do with her size and that she’s a woman. If she fit the svelte Hollywood ideal, maybe they’d lay off a bit but I doubt it.

Do what matters now

Beyoncé has always been a business powerhouse but I’m most impressed by how she keeps pushing her art to the next level. She’s breathtaking. “This is Beyoncé’s exploration of what happens when we place our hearts into the hands of men and boys who can’t live up to expectations.”

Holly’s not going to upgrade her engagement ring, and neither am I. The only thing I might consider doing is changing the metal of the band for durability but maybe not. The scuffs and marks are a little record of the life we’ve shared thus far.

Joseph Phillip Illidge’s admonishment to DC Comics.


Uplifting family story cracked me up

The world’s most stunning restrooms

As a reformed overpacker, this made me laugh


Clean your bags! Heck, this article has me wanting to clean every bag in the house, ever. Though, if there’s a chance there will be food or dirty diapers (!) in my purse (the latter isn’t likely but still), I keep a ziploc bag or two in there and the potential culprits go in there so I don’t have to swab out the inside of my purses.

Laurie Penny on context and why Stephen Fry’s outburst against trigger warnings makes sense. I’d agree with her analysis that it makes sense why Fry and his generation would feel strongly about NOT speaking out about abuse, because that’s how they survived. I respect that, but it’s wrong and obviously perpetuates the system that exposes more children to abuse. Just because you could survive the hard way doesn’t mean that we should inflict that on younger generations for untold millennia. It has to stop sometime, somewhere, and it stops by speaking up.

Ugh, this guy’s a serial harasser and posted that “prank” ad asking for a feminism tutor for a fake 22-year-old.

Bobby Chiu, one of my favorite artists, tells us What Great Artists Have in Common

RIP Prince

Cloud, on Prince and genius

“Can you make it rain harder?” (thanks, Tragic Sandwich)


6 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Good-bye, Prince, edition”

  1. I don’t want to upgrade my engagement ring, either. At the time we got engaged, I was earning a decent salary. Mr. Sandwich made a lot less, but paid his bills and had savings.

    I didn’t want a big ring. I’d always thought I would want one, but when the time came, I realized that I didn’t want to spend his money on that, and after all, what I really wanted was a wedding ring.

    But he had a ring–one of his grandmother’s–when he proposed, and I love it. I never imagined anything like it. It has three diamonds, but they’re tiny, and the setting is really low. It doesn’t often get caught on things the way a solitaire would. It doesn’t attract attention the way a big ring would. It’s really pretty. And it’s the one he held out when he asked me to marry him.

    A relative said, “Oh, it’s sweet. And you can always upgrade it!” I just stared at her blankly. Why would I want to? It has far too much meaning.
    Tragic Sandwich recently posted…Six Years OldMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I feel the same way. PiC picked the ring, it wasn’t an heirloom, but it was something that he picked for me and it’s special for that reason. What’s the POINT of upgrading? How is it upgrading to spend more money on a bauble with no meaning?

  2. NZ Muse says:

    People …. upgrade their rings? As in spend more money on something that will cost more to insure and will be more heartbreaking if lost or damaged?

  3. What bugs the crap out of me from entertainment reporters is when they ask non stick-like actresses, “how are you SOOOO confident?” As if they have to be a size -0 to be a confident person. Drives. Me. Crazy! I love MM and think she is hilarious! RIP Prince. I feel like a part of my teenage years has died. 🙁
    Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Succumbing to Lifestyle InflationMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      UGH because you know they’re implying that these women should NOT be confident because they don’t look like the “ideal”. As if that’s not changing all the time and as if it’s not superficial and crap.

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