By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Chasing Corgi edition

May 5, 2016


Make good use of your ten minutes before sleeping and after waking

I learned to love remote work many years ago and it’s come such a long way since I first experimented with it. This account is a great example of why I think it’s the best thing ever.

As a 30-something woman, the top reasons I leave a job are pay and / or you, my employer, suck. (Nested under “you suck” is “the environment sucks”.) If both you and my pay suck, I most definitely will leave there sooner rather than later. Why would you leave a job?

I am Alex St. John’s Daughter, and He is Wrong About Women in Tech includes some great resources at the end and a call to action. Also a call to her father to stop being an obnoxious twit.

This was an eye-opening read on the last days of Sumner Redstone. I’ve always maintained, somewhat jokingly, that I’m aiming to be ultra rich but once again, here’s a real life reminder that being a billionaire actually seems to be fairly terrible when it comes down to the important things in life, like having a close, or at least non-toxic, family and the ability to die in peace.

Kindergarten is preparing children for college and career? I know that the early years are formative for children learning things like resilience and determination which are critical to their later success but … this seems a bit much. What do you think?

Abby’s great at pointing out Swagbucks deals: get a free thermometer!

eemusings talks about something people don’t like to acknowledge. Prolonged inequalities in a relationship that weren’t part of the agreement are a reason to leave it.


Au revoir, Xbox 360!

“Gee, Mr. Miranda” – Fun Home at Easter Bonnet Competition 2016. Did LMM’s example with Hamilton actually teach the value of working hard and making your own way? That’s pretty awesome.

Also awesome: Isabel’s Marant’s rules for dressing, thanks to Katherine


Joe Simon, co-creator of Captain America, was this women’s grandfather

Lupus and motherhood with Mo Tancharoen. A therapist I knew shared with me her journey to motherhood had to be through adoption because her lupus was bad enough to land her in the hospital. It was hard for me to process that as a positive story, struggling as I was with my own health, but obviously it was joyful.

Study focusing on Italian men and women: “… by the University of Padova in Italy found that while men suffer negative consequences when their wife dies – because they rely more heavily on their spouse – women appear to get healthier.” That’s depressing. I wonder how much is affected by culture, though.

How pregnancy reaffirmed this person’s pro-choice stance. I agree. I didn’t have an easy pregnancy. It wasn’t the worst it could be but it was a trial. And I don’t think that I would choose an abortion in this particular stage of my life should we fall pregnant (knock on wood) but that doesn’t in any way make me anti-choice for other women. The writer notes “pregnancy is unfairly invasive in every single way” and we should have the right to choose whether or not we suffer through that.

An interview with Geena Davis: “If a person can do it, I can do it.”

Keepin’ up with corgi

Thanks to VH for sharing!

3 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Chasing Corgi edition”

  1. NZ Muse says:

    Fascinating link about those 10 mins!

    I do love working remotely but tech needs to improve for sure. We have a couple staffers based in another city (they occasionally fly up and we make the most of those days!) and without fail, phone and Skype always crap out whenever we dial them in for anything bigger than, say, a 15 minute convo).

    I have left jobs for:

    better hours
    better pay
    better long term career prospects
    Thankful to have never had to endure a terrible environment.

    Thanks so much for the link.

  2. We specifically did not pursue the school that said that in kindergarten they would start preparing our child for the “careers of the future.” No one knows what those are, and I don’t want my child educated by someone who thinks I’ll fall for that.
    Tragic Sandwich recently posted…Six Years OldMy Profile

  3. Pregnancy also definitely confirmed my pro-choice stance! At times I had to struggle to convince myself that it would be worth it, during a very much planned and wanted second pregnancy. I cannot imagine wanting to end that pregnancy for any reason and then not being able to. Terrifying!
    Little Miss Moneybags recently posted…Women at Work: Sexism, money, and careerMy Profile

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