By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Diggs and Odom Jr edition

May 26, 2016


We didn’t foresee this problem with Slack? It’s basically a huge chat room. Of COURSE you’re going to get distracted.

Penny knows when she’s going to make a 6-figure salary. Would that bother you?

Tonya asked “Did we forget about the Recession?” and I was just wondering the exact same thing. We visited old family friends recently. We haven’t seen them in years, and it sounded like they were doing well for themselves, but as usual appearances were deceiving. The mounds of excess, toys, electronics, more space than they needed, all of that was what they had instead of financial security – they don’t have any savings.

For me, there’s just nothing less appealing than having a bunch of STUFF and having to cancel greatly anticipated holiday plans because you can’t afford it anymore.

The powerhouse that is Lin-Manuel and Hamilton continues and it brings a tear to my eye. And another when I realize I missed my window of opportunity to get tickets, probably.

Warren Ellis on the work that is writing.


I love the Qwerkywriter – The Retro Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard

Chris Evans’ Face as He Finds out Sebastian Stan’s Nickname in China Is Chubby Dumpling


Depression is indiscriminate of its victims.

Kameron Hurley can bring tears to my eyes. But it might have been the grandmother thing. “Not everyone is crazy. There is a world worth saving. A world worth fighting for. There are people who think this is all garbage, just like I do. People fed up that we keep fighting the same fucking battles, but who keep fighting, all the same.”

87-year-old, Jane Little, dies performing “There’s No Business Like Show Business.” A fitting way to go for someone who’s been performing since 1945.

Cait’s intentional lifestyle bag analogy resonated today: I was brushing my teeth and contemplating a friend’s toxic soon-to-be-ex. If they don’t split, it’s going to be difficult spending time with the friend and their kids because I make it a point not to spend time with people who suck.

Why some of us don’t talk about our illnesses. I can’t recall the number of times I’ve been asked “Did you try…” as if in the 20+ years that I’ve been fighting these illnesses, I’ve really just been sitting here clutching a teddy bear wondering what I should try. Everyone is well meaning but rarely are they also thoughtful.

I need to read more about The Worst Journey in the World

Leslie Odom Jr and Daveed Diggs: watched 100x

“Hamilton” Stars Open ESPN Upfront from ESPNFrontRow on Vimeo.

5 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Diggs and Odom Jr edition”

  1. “I can’t recall the number of times I’ve been asked “Did you try…” as if in the 20+ years that I’ve been fighting these illnesses, I’ve really just been sitting here clutching a teddy bear wondering what I should try. Everyone is well meaning but rarely are they also thoughtful.”

    This. We don’t get it with chronic illness or pain–so far, none of us has dealt with that–but we sure do with Baguette’s autism. Mr. Sandwich’s father (in particular) insists that there MUST be a solution to her sleep, to her communication, to her emotions, to her sensory issues. The logical conclusion is that we are doing it wrong, and not even trying.

    As if.

    I have learned not to offer people suggestions, and I usually even say, “I could start suggesting things, but I bet everything I think of is something you’ve already tried or at least considered.” If someone wants suggestions, or to talk through possible options, I’m up for it. But the odds that I’m going to just intuit the exact solution with no history of the situation? So long they’re not worth calculating.

    On the upside, you just got me to watch Lin-Manuel Miranda at the White House Poetry Jam again, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
    Tragic Sandwich recently posted…Six Years OldMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      But the odds that I’m going to just intuit the exact solution with no history of the situation? So long they’re not worth calculating.

      It seems like 95% of the population does NOT understand this!

      No indeed, there’s not one little thing wrong with rewatching that at ALL.

  2. How on earth do you find all these amazing things? You have, hands-down, the best round-up on the entire Internet!
    Funny about Money recently posted…News of the DayMy Profile

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