By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: toast and toddlers edition

June 2, 2016


Kinda creepy to think this deeply about how our choices are manipulated

LMM’s family pays a hefty sum for a nanny and it’s still maybe 2/3 of the cost we’d pay for less time. Makes my immune system wistful for when I thought we could cover childcare with a nanny.

Philippa Soo: “…not being afraid to fail — and I mean that not in a success/failure way. I mean that in like a trial and error, creative way when you’re in the room and you make a creative choice or an acting choice, and it doesn’t work. It doesn’t tell the story or it tells a different story that maybe you’re not necessarily wanting to go for and not being afraid of that, just saying oh, okay, well that’s information.”

This CEO shares how they executed a move from San Francisco to San Diego. I could have told him immediately that their approach to the employees, supposedly their valued and valuable talent, was all wrong from the get go. Taking surveys? Not sitting down and talking to key leaders and managers and letting them feel out the team? Completely ignoring the fact that people have lives and families they would need to uproot if he wanted them to buy in to the idea? They signed a lease before they talked to any employees. That right there tells me what and who you value most.


Puppy herd

My favorite mail story ever: this letter was actually delivered with no address and no addressee


The Delicate Task Of Restoring One Of The World’s Oldest Libraries

Discovering your parents are actually Russian spies… what a thing to do to your kids.

Maori once were tender fathers

About time, considering how poorly the US and Congress treated them when they put their lives at risk, and many died: US Female WW2 pilots allowed to be buried in Arlington

I knew sell by dates were about the peak freshness, guesstimated, and that often food is still perfectly good well past the stamped date but I didn’t know they were entirely unregulated.

Toast for Toddlers


2 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: toast and toddlers edition”

  1. Shelley says:

    Scanned through that first link about technology. I still remember intermittent reward schedule from my undergrad psychology courses and I see it in action pretty often. I got a tablet for my birthday so I have the alternative to my laptop when we are away, but I’ve already put it away, not wanting to increase my screen time with another gadget. My mobile phone comes on when I want to make a phone call. I check emails in the morning, after lunch and sometimes later but I’ve usually moved on to the eat/clean up/watch something on catch up TV (which is another screen, I realise, but I’m doing crafts at the same time and we generally watch something relating to history as Bill’s and my tastes coincide there). I think it’s creepy that whatever I look at when shopping shows up on the borders of my screen for a while after…felt like invasion of privacy at first but I got used to it. Scary what we are all getting used to!

    BTW, a suggestion meant to be helpful. Might you consider making your links open in another tab? It’s easier to come back and click on other of your links and to return and comment.
    Shelley recently posted…BushmillsMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Very helpful, thank you! I had always been told that it would annoy readers if I made the default action to open a link in a new tab, and that readers would right click to open it that way if they wanted to. I shall look up how to do that and give it a try though!

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