By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: SDCC edition

July 21, 2016

LinkLoveWhy we can’t have nice things: pets and babies are gross

We’re at #SDCC this week so I don’t have time for a proper links post, but NZMuse’s post was too funny to pass up as a fellow pet-owner and a semi-novice baby wrangler.

It’s like there’s a dog / infant manual out there somewhere, and all my dogs (except Seamus and Doggle) followed it.

    • Shoes: Dog stole, JuggerBaby licks the bottoms.
    • Toilet paper rolls: Dog chewed, Juggerbaby licks.
    • Tissue paper, paper towels: Dog shredded, JuggerBaby shreds.
    • Socks: Dog stole for bedding,  JuggerBaby chews on them.

In other news

A friend is mourning the loss of a loved one who was truly lost to drugs a long time ago. We all know that he turned to drugs to dull the pain of serious trauma he experienced as an early teen, but the havoc he wreaked as he tried to find peace was nearly financially devastating. What he went through was unimaginable, what his family is now going through is equally unimaginable. Except I can imagine it because, like my friend, I have imagined a hundred horrible endings for my sibling that are all likelier than his being rehabilitated and I know that we’ll be facing the same situation one day. It makes my heart ache all the more for them, especially since they’re across the country and I can only provide logistical support, I can’t be physically be there for them.

It’s been a rough week already and I’m writing this note on Tuesday.

If you would be so kind as to share something good that’s happened for you, I’d be much obliged.

9 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: SDCC edition”

  1. I’m sorry you’re having issues with family and drugs. I have an aunt that I’ve never really met because she ran away with her drug dealer boyfriend before I ever got to meet her as a coherent person. They have no idea where she is today, or if she’s even still alive. 🙁

    On a brighter note, I recently started a new job within my field (only two years after graduating with my master’s degree!). It was a temporary three-month job, but they just decided to extend my position through the winter, at the very least. And I’m out in the sun all day, which is helping my mood. I had been having problems with depression before this, but between being outdoors all day and the new job, it seems to have gotten a lot better.
    Lindsay @ The Notorious D.E.B.T. recently posted…Don’t Let Your Bank Account Fool YouMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      That’s such a shame. That must be so hard for your family who were previously close to her.

      Congratulations on the new job and the extension! What a boost that can be – being unemployed has to be so rough when dealing with depression.

  2. Something good: Baguette has decided that she loves riding the school bus from summer school to summer camp.

    Alas, she only has two days of summer school remaining, and then it’s all camp, all day–and no bus.

    But in the meantime, the bus, which we thought would be traumatic, has been acceptable and then a delight.

    • Revanche says:

      I’m so glad for you all that Baguette loves the bus! Will she have the opportunity to ride the bus more during the school year?

  3. Cloud says:

    I’m so sorry, for your friend, for you, for your siblings. Sending virtual hugs.

    Something good: I finally decided that I miss kickboxing and did my first kickboxing workout in (some period of time that is longer than I can remember) yesterday… and it was awesome. I am sore in the most delightful way today: not too sore, but my muscles know they got used.

    • Revanche says:

      Thank you very much.

      Thanks for sharing – I love that you returned to kickboxing, that sounds absolutely delightful. And the GOOD kind of post-workout, yay!

  4. Ugh, I’m so sorry for your loss! That’s really heartbreaking.

    On a happy note, I thought I’d be really financially strapped all summer and all my side hustling and job decisions have worked out incredibly well – from taking some weird shows that I thought might be bolster a weak spot on my resume and get me bigger gigs I’ve wanted for a while (which is exactly what happened) to upping my blogging revenue to cover the income I was going to lose by taking those theater gigs. It’s all turned out fine. In the end, life usually seems to… so far, at least.
    Mel @ brokeGIRLrich recently posted…Financially Savvy Saturdays #152My Profile

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