By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: moist owlettes edition

July 28, 2016


Buying a condo in cash, woo!

I discovered Luvvie a while back and find in her the inspiration that I’ve been sorely lacking in the PF blog world. I wasn’t looking in the right places, clearly, but who knew that humor was the answer? Luvvie’s been blogging a little longer than I have and has recently achieved some EPIC experiences as a result of those many years of hard work. Her path isn’t mine but her reflections on getting to her mountain tops made my spirit lighter.

When you’re talking about a group of people, remember, they’re actually people who exist.

APW on Family Caregivers: My culture is one that expects you to take your aging parents into your own home, and if that’s impossible, support them entirely in their old age. I’ve been doing the support part for half my life but for reasons (deteriorating relationships, need for privacy and space) it’s becoming unfathomable to me to consider bringing my father into my home. Not least because he won’t leave Troubled/Trainwreck Sibling and TTS is not someone I would ever trust around JuggerBaby or unsupervised in my home, but should we assume TTS was out of the picture, Dad won’t stop smoking and I won’t have that in my home either. Am I a monster? I don’t know. I just know I need to stay sane and healthy.

Leah Daughtry is the CEO for the DNC convention. I didn’t know that had a whole other CEO but it’s such a huge production that makes sense. I also wasn’t aware of the Democratic party’s roots in racism and segregation. It’s interesting to see that though it be hard, things like that can change.


Nonprofit with Balls comes back with 8 grammar mistakes we should stop making 

Dubya’s Sway and Smiles to the Battle Hymn: Did he catch the Holy Ghost? Why could he not stay still?

Go see Ghostbusters

PINKYMON – too cute!!


What a wonderful tribute to Harold Ramis, Egon of Ghostbusters ’84, by his daughter. He sounds like he was a lovely man.

I have heard dozens of people advising this or another diet change to cure my fibro. My best improvements came when I shut out those unwelcome and uninformed voices and advocated for myself with real health care professionals.

Here’s a security nightmare for you:  I bought and returned a set of WiFi connected home security cameras. Forgot to delete my account and I can now watch the new owner.

Cemeteries operate as alternate cities—cities of the dead. They are often very complex.

Tressie went to a Trump rally and reported back

Sometimes I’m on here, and sometimes I’m on Twitter, and I don’t talk politics. Cloud’s explanation is spot on for me: I refuse to spend my summer reading about that horrible man and his horrible family and whatever horrible thing he’s said today. So I may try to tune out the politics a bit, but don’t mistake that for me not caring. I care a lot, and last night I put my money where my mouth is. Next, I’m going to try to figure out what the most useful volunteer thing someone in a safely blue state like California can do.

Moist Owlettes!

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