By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: foggy week edition

August 4, 2016


I don’t usually like teenagers. I don’t dislike them either but I couldn’t relate to them well during my tenure as a teen. That hasn’t changed much since but I do like articulate and genuine teens. Like Alison’s niece.

Also from Alison, group work isn’t the same in work and school. Also I hate hate hate group work.

I adore Renee Elise Goldsberry.

Go Ava DuVernay!  She’s helming a $100M movie adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time, the first woman of color to direct at that budget level, and I’m cheering for her.


It’s not my life but I surely do love looking at pretties. Katherine’s interview with Serena has me convinced that Serena’s handbag and jewelry collection are equivalent to our net worth.


Mason jars making a comeback

Washington Post Medical Mystery: Diagnosing a toddler

Detours in life aren’t a bad thing. This may be one of the most valuable lessons teens (or anyone, really) could learn.

Shameful confession: a heartbreaking tale

9 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: foggy week edition”

  1. I hope Sara Amundson can find some peace about Max. She was just a child herself.

    And how come Renee Elise Goldsberry looks so larger-than-life as Angelica, and so tiny as herself? How does that work?

    • Revanche says:

      I hope so too. There’s so much guilt there and I can understand that but you forget she was so young when she lost her father, too.

      PRESENCE. She has it in oodles, doesn’t she?

      • I can’t tell you how much your comment means to me! It was an out of the blue bolt of joy. Last year, physical health problems forced me to put my writing career on hold. It was difficult to publish something after all that time. I’m still fighting to squash my self-doubt and my fears that I’ve lost my mojo, so it’s exhilarating to get a comment like that about my writing.

        Thank you!!! I hope you’ll continue to follow my story:
        Sara Amundson recently posted…Part 2: My First Ghost StoryMy Profile

    • Thank you so much for your kind words.

      In many ways, my journey to reach Max is just beginning — but I only have the strength to tell my family’s story because I’ve spent a year forging my way to a place of healing and hope. I still have healing to do, and I don’t know what the future holds for me and Max, but the universe seems determined to bring us together. It’s hard to shake the feeling that there’s a reason for that.

      Whether or not there are forces greater than us at work in the remarkable events unfolding around me, I know I’m growing into a person who brings peace to others. There is hope in our futures; I can see its glow.

      I hope you’ll keep reading about my journey. Here’s the next part:
      Sara Amundson recently posted…Part 2: My First Ghost StoryMy Profile

  2. Angelica is my favorite character, and this line by Renee slayed me: “We’re always flirting with massive success even in the center of failure.”

    So beautiful!
    Pia @ Mama Hustle recently posted…End of July Recap: Time Flies ByMy Profile

  3. My freshman year in college one of the guys on my floor was diagnosed with scurvy (he went to the doctor for thrush on his tongue– so gross), so at least some doctors are aware of it. He added ketchup and OJ to his diet of 2 plain cheeseburgers/day and recovered.
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…Ask the grumpies: Have you ever liked a dog?My Profile

  4. Oh, wow, thank you SO much for linking to my story! It means a lot to me for it to be shared with people; I find comfort in it, and am especially awed when it makes other traumatized people feel understood and less alone.

    I know it’s heartbreaking — and that some parts of what’s happened to me will always be heartbreaking — but that post captures only the first part of my journey to repair my broken family. I’ve had to travel through a lot of darkness, but the path I’m on is leading me and others to a place of hope and healing.

    Thank you again for sharing my writing. I’m so grateful.
    Sara Amundson recently posted…Part 2: My First Ghost StoryMy Profile

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