By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: toddler negotiation edition

August 18, 2016


We’re now paying $2000 a month (!!!) for JuggerBaby’s daycare so you bet your belly button I’ll be happy when that “tax” turns into a “raise” like it has for Holly and Greg. But seriously, their commenter, Chris taking the stance that they obviously don’t care about their kids for putting them in daycare, and then having the nerve to celebrate getting that money back? What a smelly jerk.

Grants for writers and artists with children – this is neat!

Katie Ledecky two years ago was already blazingly fast

More reasons Zara is never getting a penny from me: they steal independent artist designs and claim they’re not culpable because they’re seen by millions and the artists aren’t well known so the copied art wouldn’t be noticed anyways. Except this artist, Tuesday Bassen, was notified by many people of the copied designs so obviously people did notice and by the way, “people don’t know it’s stolen” is not a sound defense.


Alan Tudyk and Rogue One

On villainesses

I was having the worst brain-struggle day, and I’m so glad it occurred to me to listen to Lauren and Kamel’s latest. I don’t listen to podcasts, but this feels nothing like listening to canned radio. They make me laugh and feel like I’d just spent half an hour with friends. Bless y’all (and not in the passive aggressive way that’s often meant) for Episode 25: A Subdued Nighttime Announcement


Thank you, Adam von Koeverden, for calling out some maddening sexism by a fellow Olympian. The prolific sexism which has marked this Olympics has been something to behold. And not in a good way. It’s about darn time women were regarded as athletes in their own right and not as extensions of men around them.

The athleticism of gymnasts, I grew up with a few, has always been astounding. In high school, I loved that our resident gymnast women could and would handily beat any of the class, male or female, at push-ups, pull-ups, or any sport because their strength and coordination were so honed. So even if I don’t get the ins and outs of gymnastics, I have never thought of them as anything less than sometimes-pixie athletic powerhouses. NBC coverage is embarrassingly bad, aside from being horribly inaccessible here in the US, and utterly fails at helping the average American understand the technical reasons behind the Final Five.

The last of the Gucci line, hat tip to Katherine at Feather Factor. The end of the article has me shaking my head a bit. What did you expect when you had their father killed? A relationship? What kind of relationship is that going to be? How do you see this playing out? And what on earth makes you think your daughters want to have a relationship with you or let you be near their children? Assuming the father wasn’t abusive in any way, I sure as heck wouldn’t let you within 1000 miles of us if I had any choice about it.

Seriously disturbing: U.S. Armed Forces widely distributed mefloquine to the military to prevent malaria. Turns out it’s linked to brain stem lesions and psychiatric symptoms.

La Guardia Cross v Toddler

5 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: toddler negotiation edition”

  1. Smelly jerk, haha! Thanks for sharing!
    Holly Johnson recently posted…Side Hustle Spotlight: How Much Do Uber Drivers Get Paid?My Profile

    • Feeny says:

      Holly, clicking on Revanche’s link was the first I’ve ever been to your website (which I am doing a read through of right now!) is Chris a regular commenter? Whenever I read comments so far off of the blogs target demographic I always wonder how they found themselves there and (always ALWAYS) what made them feel compelled to comment?

      Your blog is clearly one about saving and finance, why wouldn’t you talk about the benefits of not having daycare anymore?? I loved the post. I am lucky enough to have family dying to look after my kid during the day but I know I could never be a stay at home mom. AND THAT’S OK.

      Revanche your link roundups are always the best!

    • Revanche says:

      You’re welcome šŸ™‚

  2. Mefloquine is also known as Lariam (brand name), and it is very bad news. Other countries know this, and have for years. In the late 90s, my parents and grandfather went on safari and had to cut their trip short because my 90+ grandfather–who was in excellent health–started to stumble and lose coherence. Thankfully the guides and hotel staff suggested that it might be the Lariam everyone had been prescribed for the trip and helped him get to a doctor, and once he stopped taking it, he was fine. Even then, it was not prescribed in the UK, but it was the only thing you could get from a U.S. doctor.
    Tragic Sandwich recently posted…Next StepsMy Profile

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